post #9000000 GET!

Thread idea: A place to allow member level users to request for images to be flagged

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

As the title says, it seems a better way than to PM or ask in the comments of the picture and its centralized. There needs to be some rules.

1.) For the benefit of the user, there can be a link to the ToS and

2.) Indicate this isn't a place to question why images were flagged.

3.) There has to be a given reason why it should be flagged and it is ultimately up to whoever has the ability to flag it, and up to the janitor, moderator, or admin staff to unflag it for reasons that are their own.

If this is a workable idea, or if it needs fine-tuning, let me know. If you are completely against it, I would like some explanation for it aside from "no, just no"

Updated by RaisingK

I got the feeling from my thread back then that there wasn't enough concern from members about flagging for the idea to be really helpful.
Or at the very least in a well defined pool where it'll be likely to get noticed (or like S1eth said).

I thought about an off-topic tag which members, priv, and contributors can use to mark obvious off-topic images from X years ago which they cannot unapprove because they lack the rights or because the image has been reapproved (for some reason). Similar to the nude filter tag. Problems: the tag doesn't carry information about the image, it only tells you what the image is not. It must be made clear to the staff why the image is off-topic.

bouguereau - beautiful, but still off-topic
post #28099, post #31629, post #32333

The other value of this thread would be for images that were rejected and then re approved.

I made this thread since it came up several times in the past week regarding the inability of users to flag images, so I was thinking that the idea might be better received.

S1eth said:
bouguereau - beautiful, but still off-topic

I'd say it's no different than other beautiful but essentially offtopic pixiv uploads we approve, such as stunning vistas and utterly realistic art. Of all off-topic things we could delete, I'd leave this one alone.

That's just being weaboo. I know he's long dead, but that doesn't make his works any different from what we approve from pixiv. The artist being more or less slant-eyed shouldn't make any difference.

葉月 said:
That's just being weaboo. I know he's long dead, but that doesn't make his works any different from what we approve from pixiv. The artist being more or less slant-eyed shouldn't make any difference.

We host art from Japanese artists. Not anime art, but Japanese art. I have seen good art from non Japanese artists get unapproved for being off-topic so I cannot support making a distinction because this is classic art. I could argue that Impressionism is Japanese inspired, since some of the founders enjoyed Ukiyo-e woodblock carvings, but I think this is slightly stretching the working definition.

In that case, I'm not being a smart-ass, would we host classical art from other artists? I'm not sure what the exception is here.

Anelaid said:
We host art from Japanese artists. Not anime art, but Japanese art. I have seen good art from non Japanese artists get unapproved for being off-topic so I cannot support making a distinction because this is classic art.

Then I'd say they should be appealed and approved.

In that case, I'm not being a smart-ass, would we host classical art from other artists? I'm not sure what the exception is here.

I wouldn't exactly suggest doing a classical flood, but I don't honestly see why post #461713 or post #460831 are more topical. Notice how the latter is perfectly classical in composition and technique. Just because the guy who drew it is called Misawa Hiroshi doesn't really make it qualitatively different from... okay, what the fuck just happened to bouguereau? There are no posts now.

But anyway, I don't see the harm in approving the occasional vista, and I don't see the harm in approving the occasional classical piece.

I would advise against uploading more classic art like that unless it's a visual reference for another image that is parodying or influenced by it. There's just no good argument to be made that it fits within the scope of this site, by any definition.

葉月 said:
No, but there's no argument for post #838509 either. Which is all I'm saying. I'm not advocating uploading more, just treating classic art the same way we treat recently drawn classical pieces from pixiv.

I thought the difference was that, classical in style or otherwise, we mainly deal with contemporary Japanese art.

Well, there's a topic-matter link (art of well-known "anime-style" franchises), but that's not explicitly called out in the TOS. Only "high-quality anime style art" is. (I think I'd probably consider that an oversight.)

jxh2154 said:
But they at least have the whole "modern Japanese" thing going for them in terms of scope. That's not an insta-approval, but it's not irrelevant either.

I still think it is or should be. We shouldn't care who drew it as long as it's good and relevant.

None of the posts mentionned on this page have their place on danbooru... judging by regular standards.

Especially the Bouguereau ones might just have set a precedent for undeleting/approving more classical art.

I think those Bouguereau pics are completely off-topic. You can easily find the works of Bouguereau and other classical painters in tons of other great sites that specialize in this sort of thing. The same cannot be said for pixiv artists that draw in a more classical style though, so having some classically drawn modern Japanese stuff for posterity might be OK.

Anyways, this thread was about members being able to request images to be flagged, so if this whole discussion on off-topic images is continued, it should probably be in another thread.

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