post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Fencedude said:
Undeleted that one, so we'd have the original for the wallpaper, and I'm generally more lenient for series/characters that have very, very few images.

Thanks. No chance on the first one, though?

glasnost said:
stuff about post #655062 & post #653418

While I agree that they aren't that good, honestly I would mostly blame bad luck about these two. Janitors aren't always consistent on their own approval threshold, and these two pictures are definitely in the range of what I see approved more often that not (that is, even nowadays, and not particularly from the most recent janitors), which would mean it just was a bad day for them.

I see a lot of (imo) average/dull images getting approved as soon as they're fully colored (bonus points for having an actual background) + have a comfortable res + have no striking flaw.
Sometimes it's just a bad moment, just like you see a lot more sketches/portraits deleted when Hazuki isn't around, or explicit stuff when it's Snesso, etc.

post #655062 > You can't really blame the artist for the reeks of 中二病 since it's tagged kirisame_marisa_(seihou). The other things you mentionned don't strike me, but there's nothing positively outstanding either.
I would argue, still, that this one went unapproved mainly for the overall lack of quality (or skill) of the picture, and not for its details.

post #653418 > Stuff you mentionned don't really strike me either (not great for sure, but not annoying either). Rather, I get the "ew" vibe from Reimu's right hand/wrist and the terribly unfitting signature.
That said, I like the overall purple hue of the scene which I find to work quite well, and the whole feeling of action is sort of good too. I wouldn't upload this but seeing someone else did I would still approve it.


I wish I knew what was so "wrong" with most of the things I posted (yes, I'm aware that the scat ones way back were out of line). Barring a few that were obviously jpged to hell and back, and one or two with terrible size, the others seemed like sure fire hits (like two of the Faye Valentine ones and the one with Rangiku). Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to complain, it just seems like some of the posts weren't really being given a good look over being timing out. Although I was a bit confused about one Homare and Isu pics being rejected. Ah well, whatever.

Fencedude said:
No, I'm telling you to stop uploading shit.

Ah here we go. Somehow everything 'I' post is shit. Sure, that's what you say. That's your opinion. Not the general, absolute truth. Like you really know what good art is when plenty of 'shitty' stuff is accepted here that'd probably make an actual critic vomit.

rantuyetmai said:
People here don't like hentai-orientated stuffs too much.

That has to be a joke :P
Otherwise I must be imagining all the sexy stuff.

Fencedude said:
And your point is...?

Your opinion on what I post is just that, an opinion. It doesn't mean you're right. Same goes for me, I can't decide for others what's "Good" and what isn't. And please, don't give that load about 'quality' because there is some pretty terrible stuff that barely looks as "bad" as what I posted.

Fencedude said:
Well, you have clearly demonstrated a lack of understanding of the purpose of this site, the standards we use to determine what is and is not acceptable, and why exactly my opinion matters.

Oh I understand the site perfectly, it's meant to be a secure and accessible place for anyone to find particular imagery using a nice assortment of tags and other means of tracking a desire picture.

What I don't get is how a number of the things I've posted are rejected, despite a few of them actually being from an artist whose works have been collected here. And I'm aware a few have had bad dimensions and artifacts, but I would say that some of my posts have been wrongly judged.

xRatchetx said:

Fencedude said:
No, I'm telling you to stop uploading shit.

That's your opinion. Not the general, absolute truth.

If you haven't noticed, a dozen+ janitors and mods have that same opinion, which is why your posts weren't accepted. No, it's not absolute truth, but it's what matters on this site. Try harder.

xRatchetx said:
That has to be a joke :P
Otherwise I must be imagining all the sexy stuff.

Sexy images are welcome, but not cheap hentai trash.

Fencedude: you are a pretty cool guy and I agree with lots of things that you say, but your personality is really not well-suited for this thread.

xRatchetx: Your standards really do need quite a bit of work, though. post #500379, one of the deleted posts you seem to like the most, is:

  • a bad wallpaperization (Faye's hair becomes transparent behind the cliff, her hands disappear into the grass, her lighting doesn't match the scenery's lighting, and the background in general is like a tutorial on how to overuse/misuse Photoshop effects)
  • a bad colorization (the skin shading would be nice if it matched the light sources, but her hair and clothes look like they're made of cellophane)
  • not really that great of a drawing (her top knee is square, something is wrong with those wrists, and the lineart in general is kind of sloppy, although that's probably partially the result of the poor Photoshop job)

So I would suggest a closer eye to detail in general.

Some more general things you need to watch out for (other than JPEG artifacts, which you already mentioned yourself):

  • Wallpaper edits/Photoshops/watermarks: they're just poorly done too often. The worst pictures you have uploaded pretty much invariably fall into this category.
  • Manga scans: most manga scans need a lot of cleaning before they look even remotely presentable, and even the remainder is often just plain not Danbooru-quality art. I would recommend just staying away from them entirely.
  • Bad anatomy: post #733071's strange knee defect/elephantisis, post #555855's odd elbows, fingers, and shoulder, post #464658's dislocated shoulders and, uh, whatever that bone under her chin is supposed to be; at the risk of sounding like an asshole, I'm going to have to suggest that you pull your eyes away from the T&A and double-check that the rest of the picture is at least plausible before posting.

Hope this helps.


Barring the few fetish stuff I posted, how is anything of I posted hentai? Normally hentai means depictions of sex, intercourse, whatever you call it. But most, if not all of my things have simply been pantyshots and asses, which is generally considered "ecchi" or softcore stuff, like what you see in playboy.


I can see what you mean now, but I still don't get why some of the other pics are getting the boot. The homare pics, which seem to be posted often, and this one Fay pic: post #500393. Those seemed pretty good.

It's just that it seems like often a number of accepted have all the qualities the site is trying to weed out, plastic skin, weird hanging boobs (like they don't appear to fit on chest naturally).

Again, I'm not trying to complain, just pointing out the oddities.

Dogenzaka said:
I'm a little curious. I know that my uploads aren't implicitly garbage, but were the majority of my deletions bypassed because there was nothing good about them, or were they just bad?

Probably a fair guess to say that none of the bigwigs liked them. It stinks, but it seems like that's how it's gonna be. Best to just keep posting what you think is good and hope they get accepted.

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