post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Personally, if its from an artist that doesn't have too many submissions here I ask a janitor usually, or a contributor, and see what they think of it.

Otherwise, its best to avoid borderline material unless it has some quality about it that would mean that its likely to make submission. If its something that is text heavy, being able to translate it will definitely help its chances of approval but that won't save a bad submission.

I found that asking janitors, mods, and contributors what they look for in a piece is a really good idea, but don't PM them just to ask for appeal or approval, only for ideas if it will be approved, and then upload it, or just what they think.

Dogenzaka said:
I don't know. Her ass, torso, face kinda look weird. I doubt it'll get approved.

Hmm, didn't think the face was too bad, but I'll admit the right arm and armpit area did a seem a little off. But it seems more like because the artist forgot to shade in the area or put in some kind of tone to show her pit had depth. Since no matter how far you open an arm, you can't make your pits completely flat. Oh well, at least it's had a chance to be seen.

Looking through my current submissions, I notice that a lot of Yume's work isn't being approved. I figure all the janitors/staff have seen it by now, so I'm wondering, is there anything wrong with these submissions or is the week slower in general?

Anelaid said:
Looking through my current submissions, I notice that a lot of Yume's work isn't being approved. I figure all the janitors/staff have seen it by now, so I'm wondering, is there anything wrong with these submissions or is the week slower in general?

Can't speak for everyone, as for me yume shokunin's chibi had become boring.

Anelaid said:
Also, as a general question, will something that is extremely stylized, like post #715291 likely to be approved?

As long as it's in topic and is liked by at least 1 approver , every style is accepted. See f7(eiki)'s stuffs for example.

The short and narrow of it is, that while it may be approved, the official policy is not to allow it so it will probably not be appealed.

Doujin that are released by the author on his/her webpage/pixiv are more acceptable. Otherwise, if you have specific permission to upload that work, you might want to ask a janitor/moderator before you upload. Still not guaranteed to pass approval, however.

Nonsense101 said:
What's wrong with these? Especially the first one I'm interested in, I thought it didn't look particularly that bad.

In general, interest on Kamen Rider in danbooru is minuscule unless it involves Kazami Yuuka or other badass touhou...

To give comparison, in danbooru, it's...

Kazami Yuuka as V3 >> Kazami Shirou as V3

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