post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

The first is good, the other two are meh game cg.

As visual games tend to have very many similar or nearly-identical panels, the art is also generated in bulk quantities, with heavy use of computers, hence CG. Mass CG uploads are generally not very interesting, as 90% of in-game art is completely bland and featureless, with very little originality by design.

RaisingK said:
The first is good, the other two are meh game cg.

Yeah, I was most surprised about the first, since it's a more interesting pic IMO, and one like it was already on the site. The next two I also uploaded to fill out an already existing set. I guess I won't bother with game cg if that's the thinking here. Thx for the clarification.

Well the one Dragon Quest picture was deleted. But I was curious if I should try for the other picture, which I promise has better looking tits. Of course, I also figured I'd ask if there was any other problems (maybe the art style) beyond the things about the mage's boobs being kinda saggy.

xRatchetx said:
Turns out I have an uncensored version of post #17474 should I post it? The only difference is that the text on her pussy is gone.

If it's a photoshop decensoring then I wouldn't encourage it. If it's by the original artist then you can post it if you want. It's not the type of thing I would approve, but someone else might.

evazion said:
If it's a photoshop decensoring then I wouldn't encourage it. If it's by the original artist then you can post it if you want. It's not the type of thing I would approve, but someone else might.

Seems legit, as in it was probably the original, then the artist added the text as a lame way of censoring it instead of uisng pixels or the black bar. But I figured I'd ask since I know often times minor variations of a pictures (even ones that may be following a sequence) don't always get accepted.

Fred1515 said:
Just for reference, forum #46269 and forum #47847 are my posts about these pools.

jhx apparently deemed them worthy for deletion both times without even asking for feedback or anything, so I don't know if it's worth bringing them up now.

But as I had stated in that topic (after it got deleted the second time) It is not a touhou favorites. It is true I was partially motivated to make the pool to counter the endless stream of charisma breaks of Remilia, but if I wanted just that, i would've done it like, "[Touhou] - Charismatic Remilia". As it was, I like to see elegance and beauty in all forms, and added images from umineko (Everyone wears such charming formal wear. Dispite this, most of the umineko images are 4komas or chibies), Pokemon (gardievor. Need I say more?), and some original characters as well. (I myself added a charming picture of this cute moth chick in an elegant stance, while others added several other demonstrating the violin.)
Now, I can understand the assumption of it being a touhou favorites with the high amount of touhou pictures within. However, touhou being one of the most popular series here, and atop of that, this pool calling for the most elegant and graceful, which tends to apply to women more then men (Again, there were exceptions, but few), and well, touhou having an entire cast of women, it's easy to see that it would contain a high amount. But as I said before, it did contain others, and the second time around, when it managed to gather 6 pages worth, there were entire pages at a time that contained scarce ammounts of touhou. (at one point, someone must've done a 'Violin' tag search and added ot the pool in bulk. No complains, Violin is my favorite instrument...)


I lost my train if thought with that violin, but I think I made my point.

have I?

And if so, CAN the pool be undeleted, or will I have to make it a third time over, and hope that it will be safe from deletion this time?

If a pool is getting removed multiple times, in all honesty, its for a reason.

A character showing a lot of charisma, as a counter to the charisma break pool, might work, but honestly charisma-break has a firm creation, I believe coming from a Shino comic, along with some well known characteristics, such as Remilia cowering or a normally charismatic character crying/losing composure. Its just easier to do charisma breaks.

I don't see how to easily define charisma but considering that Lord Enki pools basically became favorite pools, I would imagine it shouldn't be started now let it happen yet again.

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