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Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

the_redstar_swl said:
As to why I flagged them, Shitscribbles shoudn't get a pass just because they're Touhou. If people want to look at Pereira's crap, They should go to DeviantArt or Gelbooru.

Just curious, but I am wondering on what could be uploaded from this statement. Does that mean anything from DA will be excluded, and what level of artwork is considered "scribbles"?

And no, I am not defending any images here. It might help me to understand the upload standard here.

jxh2154 said:
Undeleted meganekko Mokou but the rest just seem off somehow.

I reckon there are at least a few more which are above the vague Danbooru quality threshold, with the others borderline, but I guess that's where that subjectivity rule comes in, so thanks anyway.

Katajanmarja said:
And since you have already discussed Deviantart, let me add post #653418, probably the best Touhou illustration I have ever seen coming from that site.

The fact that that is the "best" Touhou image to come from DA (or at least that you think it is) is a major issue.

Generally I do not take Deviantart seriously as a source for Danbooru. But I cannot see how the average level of art published on the site should affect judging semi-professional and professional works also found there.

Katajanmarja said:
post #655062

Those wings are the main thing I see. The level of detail is a grade below the rest of the picture, which, considering that they're a main focus of the image, isn't acceptable. (Plus slapping angel wings on a random character smacks of, for want of a equivalent English word, 中二病, which of course has nothing to do with the art but may still alter people's feelings about the image.)

Also, Marisa's feet, the abnormally large water lily behind her, the incorrect shadows on those pillars to the left, and the unusual composition of the picture as a whole. But mostly it's those wings.

Katajanmarja said:
post #653418

I actually rather like this one. Still, the line work is kind of sloppy (most noticeably on Patchouli's clothing) and there's something wrong with the shading (I'm not sure what, precisely, but something). Also, Reimu is put together somewhat oddly, with her head at an odd angle and long, long arms (and a very plain version of her usual outfit, but that's neither here nor there).

Perhaps if we both ask nicely, Fencedude will let us know what he finds bad about the image, rather than giving a brush-off answer like forum #46876.

...I believe it is mostly a matter of taste that I classified it as "not great, but clearly above average among danmaku scenes". There is something about the composition and the facial expressions that speaks to me like pictures of battling characters rarely do.

Thanks Glasnost, for really taking the time to break it down. I am first and foremost a comics enthusiast. I tend to look at illustrations like, "If this were a panel in a comic, would it work?" I Probably do some of this unconsciously even when I should not, thus overlooking lots of minor problems if the general impression is strong and enjoyable enough.

evazion said:
As for post #732885, it has JPEG artifacts and the scan quality isn't the greatest. The colors seem a little faded.

Undeleted that one, so we'd have the original for the wallpaper, and I'm generally more lenient for series/characters that have very, very few images.

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