After looking at post #4709458 and the current posts under the tag, it seems the only difference between Littorio's and Italia's is the absence of the sarong and nothing on the bikini itself. Hopefully the current implication stays so it would apply the Italia tag when one forgets to manually tag it.
General BUR for other costumes not yet tagged outside of the Christmas ones. Like the previous BURs that are now approved, this list will grow as more are tagged while the BUR is still pending.
The word "mode" needs to be dropped from all these tags. It's useless and just makes the tag longer. We should instead standardize on what the Kancolle wiki calls them. See for example. There are a bunch of cases where our names are inconsistent. For example, we have "summer mode", "spring mode", and "autumn mode" for some characters, but "tsuyu mode" (Japanese for rainy season) for others. For some we have "New Years mode", but for others we have "haregi mode" (haregi is a New Years kimono).
The wikis should also list all the outfit tags for the character, with example images of each. When you go to a character wiki you should be able to see which outfits exist and what they look like at a glance. Currently some of these characters have half a dozen or more outfits, but it's impossible to tell which one to use without going through each tag.
Finally, I think outfit tags for remodeled (kai) versions of a character should imply the base character tag, not the kai tag. Look at Nevada. The base tag has five subtags. But then you click Nevada Kai and see it has eight more subtags, hidden from initial view. This is a mess, they should all just be listed under the main tag and Nevada Kai should be reserved for the base remodeled form.
The word "mode" needs to be dropped from all these tags. It's useless and just makes the tag longer. We should instead standardize on what the Kancolle wiki calls them.
The wikis should also list all the outfit tags for the character, with example images of each.
Strong agree with both. As I said in forum #292926. I still stand by that. Wiki embeds are a lifesaver on vtuber tags and would be great to have for KanColle as well. Will probably do some once I upload all the tabs I have open but that might take a while.
evazion said:
Finally, I think outfit tags for remodeled (kai) versions of a character should imply the base character tag, not the kai tag. Look at Nevada. The base tag has five subtags. But then you click Nevada Kai and see it has eight more subtags, hidden from initial view. This is a mess, they should all just be listed under the main tag and Nevada Kai should be reserved for the base remodeled form.
I'm not sure about that personally. I think the kai+ skins should be listed on the wiki for the base form, but implying them to the base form instead of the kai form just doesn't make sense to me. If they're shown in their kai swimsuit skin, for example, it seems logical that they're the kai form, and having the implications reflect that is also logical. All Nevada Kai swimsuit posts should be visible when searching Nevada Kai. I'm not sure how other copyrights have handled this (Fate probably would be a good example with how many skins and forms they have but I know basically nothing about it), but I know KanColle has a lot of characters with multiple skins for the same seasons that are different for their different forms. Feels like I'm picking on Bono a lot this thread, but she's a good example along with Nevada and Shigure.
I'm actually in favor of dropping "mode" from them (even though it's what C2 Kikan uses for their announcements). From the start, I had intended for all the KC costume tags to omit "mode" on them (e.g. Shigure Kai Ni (swimsuit) (kancolle) and Kongou (race queen) (kancolle)) and go with simple descriptors like what we do with Blue Archive's lot. It's just that Nanami was the one who made the majority of the tags basing on what's used on the twitter/X announcements and they themselves intend to make a decision later on (forum #294635):
This is using the nomeclature already applied. Standardization of tag name ("swimsuit" vs. "swimsuit mode") may be discussed later, especially considering some girls have more than two swimsuit CGs under the same umbrella (Gotland Andra's for example).
Gotta get this out of my system before I do my routine...
After reading all the comments above, I think we can go that route of not using "mode" on special outfits, especially moving forward. This is the system already applied to those associated with brands and cities with IRL events. But removing "mode" from already existing tags can be a pain since the BUR system does not allow wildcards.
As for putting under the different outfits for the remodels under the base tag as Evasion suggested, that would be best tackled on a case-to-case basis especially if there is the possibility of a base form "cosplaying" as her "remodeled" self, especially if the outfit is only available to a remodel (one case in point is post #5030034). I already brought this up back in forum #292959. Even remodels get their own cosplay tag now.
We should also be wary though that some outfits can "bleed" outside their designation in Kancolle Wiki, especially in fan art, hence them being named differently here. Harusame's maid outfit is officially her Valentine's outfit, but post #3851074 is set during Hanami. Also, Isonami's photographer outfit is officially her autumn outfit, but post #3846691 and post #5238947 has her in spring. Finally, in Kancolle Wiki, for many characters, summer CG=swimsuit CG, but not all; even Yukikaze has separate official swimsuit and summer CGs. And not all new year's CGs feature fur-trimmed haregi, e.g. Akebono and Akigumo.
Looking back, there are some tags that do need to be merged and/or aliased. In principle, outfits across forms warrant separate tags when they there are at least two elements added or removed to a base outfit, but when the only change is the addition of/change to only one element, only the base tag should be used. This is why there's the alias request above for Italia's swimsuit form back to Littorio's (the absence of the sarong), although depopulating the posts to the base form can suffice. Sagiri's swimsuit can be treated on the same way as well even though it is the other way around (Sagiri's Kai swimsuit CG is basically the base one without the halter top).
But as usual, I need help on applying new tags when found and making the dummy wikis. We are now doing this at a time several Kancolle artists and the general fandom have slowly moved on to other franchises almost completely, notably Ido, Negahami, and Hamu Kotarou, and the upload activity on the Kancolle front over the past year or so reflects that.
Gotta get this out of my system before I do my routine...
After reading all the comments above, I think we can go that route of not using "mode" on special outfits, especially moving forward. This is the system already applied to those associated with brands and cities with IRL events. But removing "mode" from already existing tags can be a pain since the BUR system does not allow wildcards.
For tags with less than 200 posts in them, it's just a matter of renaming the existing tag to remove the "mode" part. For more than 200 posts, it's a case of "alias existing tag to new tag without the "mode" part -> dealias the old tag -> deprecate/nuke the old tag".