post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Mkdb102 said:

post #6506684
post #6506709

Is it the artstyle considered low quality?

Personally no, but they're sketchy flat color drawings, I avoid works like that.

godwjdqks12 said:

post #6480163
post #6480167
post #6480171
post #6480181

They're from a third-party source, I don't know where they were taken from originally and what was done with them, but the first one has a cropped edge. The textless version was approved, so there's not much reason to post versions with text variations, I also personally avoid monochrome images if a colorized version exists.

post #6438456

Her left sleeve/arm width looks wider than the right.

post #6482640

Her back and right arm.

sush1_sum1 said:

What's wrong with this? post #6508285 the tags seem to be correct, this one post #6415551 got approved and knives has two right hands.

Self-upload, western copyright, small neck, not a fan of her legs and the shoes, though her head is appealing to me. Error is fine if an artwork has no major flaws, but that other post didn't go through the modqueue.

Mayhem-Chan said:

The artstyle has the "should've been posted to danbooru 10 years ago" look.
Though some specific pics look good enough to my taste but i'm not an approver.

I understand that most of it is of an older digital art style, but is there anything truly wrong with that so long as all of the fundamentals are respected and of quality? I fail to see any glaring errors amongst those of that look. Not trying to sound rude. v_v

nothingtoseeherefolks said:

I understand that most of it is of an older digital art style, but is there anything truly wrong with that so long as all of the fundamentals are respected and of quality? I fail to see any glaring errors amongst those of that look. Not trying to sound rude. v_v

my personal opinion on it is that post #6479982 for example falls into the higher end of quality in the batch, and even this one i would've still expected too high of a deletion probability to actually post it;
Of all older digital art styles this is the one that aged worst imo, because of the coloring especially; but overall it just doesnt look great generally, and this particular batch looks too "average" for that style, when i guess it would need to be much better than average.
But again that's the opinion of just another builder, not an approver

why was post #6512649 post #6512625 and post #6512578 deleted? I thought it was due to approvers thinking the images had a 3rd party logo at first. So I appealed and said that it was the official logo for the game they are from.

Or was it due to the source? The developer posted the images to reddit which were unfortunately hosted on imgur so there is no direct source to them now as imgur deleted all their NSFW content. The artist for the game does have a censored variation of them on their pixiv though.


flytothemoon said:

I was wondering if we can no longer post both twitter and pixiv sources at same time? But then I also see some post with both same image with twitter and pixiv sources. Or do I missing something here?
Example duplicate but different sources twitter and pixiv
post #6511164 & post #6511204

Meanwhile the post below get deleted
post #6505834

Thank you

I approved the Twitter version (post #6511204) because it's higher res. Both the Twitter and pixiv versions of your post were exactly the same (note the pixel-perfect duplicate tag). You should not upload identical/inferior images after a superior one is already uploaded as they're considered duplicates and will end up deleted. There is a warning on the upload page about this.

Talulah said:

I approved the Twitter version (post #6511204) because it's higher res. Both the Twitter and pixiv versions of your post were exactly the same (note the pixel-perfect duplicate tag). You should not upload identical/inferior images after a superior one is already uploaded as they're considered duplicates and will end up deleted. There is a warning on the upload page about this.

Oh I see, I didn't know that. Thank you for the info.

Mayhem-Chan said:

my personal opinion on it is that post #6479982 for example falls into the higher end of quality in the batch, and even this one i would've still expected too high of a deletion probability to actually post it;
Of all older digital art styles this is the one that aged worst imo, because of the coloring especially; but overall it just doesnt look great generally, and this particular batch looks too "average" for that style, when i guess it would need to be much better than average.
But again that's the opinion of just another builder, not an approver

I can definitely see where you're coming from as much of it isn't too detailed for sure. My eyes kind of just overlook level of detail in favor of it just passing a certain bar. Builder or no it's nice to receive any opinion regarding rejected posts and what may have been wrong with them. ^_^ Of course, more input is always welcome as I did want to upload most of his work.