Mkdb102 said:
Is it the artstyle considered low quality?
Personally no, but they're sketchy flat color drawings, I avoid works like that.
godwjdqks12 said:
They're from a third-party source, I don't know where they were taken from originally and what was done with them, but the first one has a cropped edge. The textless version was approved, so there's not much reason to post versions with text variations, I also personally avoid monochrome images if a colorized version exists.
Her left sleeve/arm width looks wider than the right.
Her back and right arm.
sush1_sum1 said:
What's wrong with this? post #6508285 the tags seem to be correct, this one post #6415551 got approved and knives has two right hands.
Self-upload, western copyright, small neck, not a fan of her legs and the shoes, though her head is appealing to me. Error is fine if an artwork has no major flaws, but that other post didn't go through the modqueue.