
AI-generated art check thread

Posted under General

zetsubousensei said:

It isn't compare the back of post #6064513 to the one immediately before post #6037637 look at the shading, the way light is used, the way the legs are oriented, the fact that there is a detailed background. The image is a completely different style and not the kind youd expect from someone just experimenting or naturally improving. I'm sure most of us are used to looking over full galleries as seeing what natural improvment looks like, this isn't it.

I don't know why so many people are coming out of the woodworks to defend this guy, if you look over his gallery its immediately obvious he's a tracer even before looking at images like post #5628696

His quality and understanding of human anatomy jumps all over the place, a lot of them are probably traced in some capacity even if its only snatching a single body part from another image. There is no sense of consistency. You can see improvements in stuff like the faces, but thats about it.

And no this isn't me saying nobody can improve over time, this is me saying this particular artist isn't.

First of all, you can repeat it all you want, but the guy openy says on his pixiv he uses other pictures to make his own art. Wether they are all traced or not you cannot even proove and is not the subject of the matter here. Even the best artists out there struggle with human anatomy, like thats something new. If i really had to critisize it, this guy seems to always struuggle drawing limbs.

Also people here cling to the whole background thing like its the best piece of evidence you have. It is very common for coomer art to include jpeg background images just to not leave a blank boring background, hence why almost all of his images have pixelated backgrounds. The only good quality "backgrounds" i can see in this giys art is when a character is on a piece of cloth/bedsheets.

And lastly you ask why people are defending him, because witch hunters like yourself have already done enough dammage to innocent artists out there.

Let me ask you something very seriously, since the AI generated tag is already on this image, the Yor one, and people may or may not seen it already. What do you do, if this artists came with solid proof, that his image is drawn from sratch and not traced or AI generated. Do you apologise to him? No, you dont, and not only that, you already damaged his reputation in the process, because thats what a witch hunt does to a person.

So please forgive me, if I dont exacly look up to you or see you as a good person


Infantramen said:
So please forgive me, if I dont exacly look up to you or see you as a good person

I stand by everything I said and I don't know why you have stooped to attacking my character. I dont believe the artist would be able to produce proof because I don't think it exists, feel free to link me posts definitively proving otherwise.

zetsubousensei said:

I stand by everything I said and I don't know why you have stooped to attacking my character. I dont believe the artist would be able to produce proof because I don't think it exists, feel free to link me posts definitively proving otherwise.

Im going to guess no one bothered asking the artist? Not surprised
Also that wasnt an attack on you perse but to the group as a whole. Which still doesnt answer my question as to what you people do, once the damage is already done and your claims proven wrong


Infantramen said:

Im going to guess no one bothered asking the artist? Not surprised
Also that wasnt an attack on you perse but to the group as a whole. Which still doesnt answer my question as to what you people do, once the damage is already done and your claims proven wrong

Oh right, asking the "artist" if the art is AI-generated is totally reliable when the very existence of this thread is in BIG part precisely because so many scammers go around posting AI-art with intentionally no disclosure at best, and active attempts at passing it as genuine art in not-so-rare cases.
And stop acting like being accused of AI-art is a game-ending thing, everyone knows how lucrative doing AI-art is nowadays, and any genuine artist who would get wrongly accused of doing AI actually would still be fine in terms of reputation because spoiler: it's really easy to give proof in those cases. But overall that's irrelevant here because no artist, genuine or fake, is gonna lose money just because someone on danbooru judged their art was AI

Mayhem-Chan said:

Oh right, asking the "artist" if the art is AI-generated is totally reliable when the very existence of this thread is in BIG part precisely because so many scammers go around posting AI-art with intentionally no disclosure at best, and active attempts at passing it as genuine art in not-so-rare cases.
And stop acting like being accused of AI-art is a game-ending thing, everyone knows how lucrative doing AI-art is nowadays, and any genuine artist who would get wrongly accused of doing AI actually would still be fine in terms of reputation because spoiler: it's really easy to give proof in those cases. But overall that's irrelevant here because no artist, genuine or fake, is gonna lose money just because someone on danbooru judged their art was AI

So in old witch hunt fashion, you will be charged guilty no matter what. Fantastic.

And im going to have and ask you to stop pretending like being accused of AI posting is not a big deal because the way people react to it can be seen in the follower to like ration on images shared. People get flagged as AI posters and there is nothing they can do about it. Their profiles get less exposure and their images will be less prioritized. So yes, you know damn well its damaging to people, but you are trying to play it down.
Or what most likely happened here is, you just never thought about it, because you dont care

Arguing about whether or not tagging an artist's works as AI-assisted or AI-generated is harmful to their success isn't relevant to the discussion. This thread is for discussing the possibility of works having AI involvement, because AI-generated images are banned here. If you have actual proof that an artist isn't using AI, please provide it, otherwise you're just clogging up the thread.

Fred1515 said:

Was about to post this but then took a closer look, submitting here for checking:

It doesn't scream AI, but there are things that look quite off, like Qiqi's coin hair ornament and the weird green glow in Nahida's hands.

Nothing looks out of the ordinary about the coin to me, and the glow in Nahida's hands is probably just an extremely simplified representation of her "All Schemes to Know" ability.

blindVigil said:
Nothing looks out of the ordinary about the coin to me, and the glow in Nahida's hands is probably just an extremely simplified representation of her "All Schemes to Know" ability.

Good to know, thanks. Not a Genshin player myself so I didn't know about that.

Fred1515 said:

Was about to post this but then took a closer look, submitting here for checking:

It doesn't scream AI, but there are things that look quite off, like Qiqi's coin hair ornament and the weird green glow in Nahida's hands.

There are some strange AI-style smudge shading things on Klee and Qiqi's leotards, around the stomach. But I could chalk that up to the weird resolution and severe artifacts. Nahida and Klee's ass-through-thighs are also edited in from something.

There's also editing done with Nahida's hair ornament. It looks like they cropped it out of a different image and edited it onto this one. You can see scissor tool errors around her ear.

While it doesn't scream AI, it does mumble it while screaming about how it's been edited too many times.

Veraducks said:
While it doesn't scream AI, it does mumble it while screaming about how it's been edited too many times.

Yeah, those edits are indeed weird. I'll keep looking for the original source, but since we agree that at least it's not egregiously AI, I've gone ahead and posted it for now: post #6179166

Hopefully with more eyes on it it'll be easier to find the original source and info on its creation. We can always flag it afterwards.

blindVigil said:

Arguing about whether or not tagging an artist's works as AI-assisted or AI-generated is harmful to their success isn't relevant to the discussion. This thread is for discussing the possibility of works having AI involvement, because AI-generated images are banned here. If you have actual proof that an artist isn't using AI, please provide it, otherwise you're just clogging up the thread.

The guy posted an update to the Yor image on pixiv in the description of the image

Infantramen said:

The guy posted an update to the Yor image on pixiv in the description of the image

thb, I don't want to be drawing police or witch-hunting someone on the internet too, but if there's one thing that working process has shown me, it's that the artist is an amateur who draws and paints over AI-generated art or from other sources (so technically it's NOT AI-generated?)

The initial sketch is very flat with no proper structure or indication of angle of the body parts (something like this but then suddenly have proper forms emerge out of nowhere when he starts painting which is not very normal to me but idk, maybe the artist is actually good at forms and structure but doesn't care about the sketch part

eureka4a said:

thb, I don't want to be drawing police or witch-hunting someone on the internet too, but if there's one thing that working process has shown me, it's that the artist is an amateur who draws and paints over AI-generated art or from other sources (so technically it's NOT AI-generated?)

The initial sketch is very flat with no proper structure or indication of angle of the body parts (something like this but then suddenly have proper forms emerge out of nowhere when he starts painting which is not very normal to me but idk, maybe the artist is actually good at forms and structure but doesn't care about the sketch part

What... so if someone happens to draw differently from the way you think it should be drawn, its fake? Get a grip please

Infantramen said:

What... so if someone happens to draw differently from the way you think it should be drawn, its fake? Get a grip please

Jesus Christ, When did I say it was fake? I just gave my opinion on why I find it weird. there's also lot of artists that draw over 3D too and I don't really care if they can properly draw or not.

Also, I don't want to sound overly suspicious, but I have been wondering since the beginning why you have been defending this artist so much and why you only uploads work from this artist. Moreover, I find it strange that the artist is aware that someone is discussing whether their art is AI-generated or not, considering that none of the comments on Pixiv or twitter are saying that. are you Guardian angel of the artist or something?

eureka4a said:

Jesus Christ, When did I say it was fake? I just gave my opinion on why I find it weird. there's also lot of artists that draw over 3D too and I don't really care if they can properly draw or not.

Also, I don't want to sound overly suspicious, but I have been wondering since the beginning why you have been defending this artist so much and why you only uploads work from this artist. Moreover, I find it strange that the artist is aware that someone is discussing whether their art is AI-generated or not, considering that none of the comments on Pixiv or twitter are saying that. are you Guardian angel of the artist or something?

Because ive been following this guy since his first delivery on 4chan, because he did good by me before, and ive been the one that messaged him about this whole thing via pixiv. Sorry to hear you dont appreciate me defending him, but i have my reasons

blindVigil said:

Oh my god. That entire thing reads exactly like what you've been posting here. It is practically verbatim. We are actually dealing with the artist pretending to be someone else, here.

I just cant anymore. To quote you form earlier, do you have anything to say relevant to the discussion? Otherwise you're just clogging up the thread

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