post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

parasol said:

You're still losing a valuable index, if the link is dead you've lost the whole site.*/*
"60 URLs have been captured for this URL prefix."*/*
"No URL has been captured for this URL prefix."

You already have to deal with this because many blogs already redirect to another site. (android217) now redirects to and (Yashiro Yuuya) now redirects to The blog number alone isn't enough to find it in the Wayback Machine, it's always possible the blog moved to a totally different domain.

Another reason: duplicate artists. I just noticed that Mori Takuya is a duplicate of Yashiro Yuuya. This wasn't noticed before because Mori Takuya had in their artist entry, but Yashiro Yuuya had

punished_K said:

Getting a lot of Duplicate warnings when editing artists; the script you've written for it must be too zealous.

Yeah, I was getting a lot earlier from the following list of artist URLs that I added (artist #40218).

TirMcDohl said:

Not sure if it's a bug or something, but post #5214459 doesn't play unless you click on "View original". That never happened before for me.

Oh, should've checked it in different browsers. It works fine in Chrome and Edge, it seems that only Firefox is affected.

Since the great outage 3 odd weeks back, and it's fixing ---- thanks --- everything is back to normal as before, except for one tiny quirk: every other mouse-click works perfectly, but no longer can I upvote --- or downvote, not that I did --- comments.

As for those who disrespected the Pale Moon development team --- who certainly do have vile tempers, but like most things on the internet best to just roll with it --- it may be of note Tobin is out. There was a big bust-up

Those forums have a fairly nutty policy of deregistering members who don't log on every six months: really one of the silliest notions in the world...

Upload is not working, getting time out errors with both direct link and upload file options.

Edit: nevermind, resetting fixed it, weird.

Edit 2: nevermind, is happening again, now is a eternal buffering.


Claverhouse said:

Since the great outage 3 odd weeks back, and it's fixing ---- thanks --- everything is back to normal as before, except for one tiny quirk: every other mouse-click works perfectly, but no longer can I upvote --- or downvote, not that I did --- comments.

Those functions rely on javascript features that palemoon has not implemented.

Claverhouse said:

Thanks. Seems odd that everything else works.

The code related to those was recently changed to avoid re-hiding comments when you vote. It had to be explicitly extracted to a separate JS bundle to avoid breaking the entire site on browsers that don't support it.

Wontfix. I don't think the majority of posts in that tag are offensive enough that the majority of users would want to blacklist them. And as described in the terms of service:

You understand that by using the Site, you may be exposed to Content that might be considered offensive, harmful, obscene, inaccurate, mislabeled, mistagged, unlawful in your jurisdiction, or otherwise inappropriate. The use of any Content posted on the Site or obtained by you through the Site is at your own risk. We do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any Content or communications posted on the Site or endorse any opinions expressed via the Site.

sort of a stab in the dark, but is there any way that spoilers on mobile could be adjusted so that if someone puts a spoiler tag on a URL, the URL isn't also clicked when you tap to reveal the spoiler? Generally the mobile site is pretty nice these days, but this one thing's driving me a little nuts.

Unspeakable though 'the Nazis' were, and they became the modern-day version of 'witches' during those panics, enough time has gone by not to flatter them by treating their symbolism as dangerous; whatever dumb governments may censor.

Getting an error 504 when trying to upload right now. I upload an image from my system, but the upload page stays stuck there for a minute before the 504 error pops up. Specific text:

Error 504 Ray ID: 6fd7e1651d5696a2 • 2022-04-17 20:24:47 UTC
Gateway time-out
You Browser Working
[location redacted] Cloudflare Working Host Error
What happened?

The web server reported a gateway time-out error.

Windows 11, Firefox 99.0.1

Issue seems to have solved itself, uploading fine now. Never mind, other folks are having the same issue.


NCX said:

Getting an error 504 when trying to upload right now. I upload an image from my system, but the upload page stays stuck there for a minute before the 504 error pops up. Specific text:

Error 504 Ray ID: 6fd7e1651d5696a2 • 2022-04-17 20:24:47 UTC
Gateway time-out
You Browser Working
[location redacted] Cloudflare Working Host Error
What happened?

The web server reported a gateway time-out error.

Windows 11, Firefox 99.0.1[/s]

Issue seems to have solved itself, uploading fine now.

Nope, it still not working.

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