T34-38 said:
What's going on now?
Posted under Bugs & Features
T34-38 said:
What's going on now?
While we're on the subject of logos and branding, do you think it'd be worth it to add the front page and the cat girl post counter back?
Having a front page again that isn't the posts page (with prominent links to an FAQ or "About" page etc.) would be helpful to new users, and the cat girl post counter would look really nice.
Fred1515 said:
While we're on the subject of logos and branding, do you think it'd be worth it to add the front page and the cat girl post counter back?
Having a front page again that isn't the posts page (with prominent links to an FAQ or "About" page etc.) would be helpful to new users, and the cat girl post counter would look really nice.
Wait, so G(general) is the new "Safe" rating while S(Sensitive) is the new "Questionable" rating?
Then wouldn't it be a problem because all of the "S"(used to be "Safe") images are now rated as "S"(Sensitive)(Looked at the images rated S in the past and they are now rated "sensitive")
Dank.Knight said:
Wait, so G(general) is the new "Safe" rating while S(Sensitive) is the new "Questionable" rating?
Then wouldn't it be a problem because all of the "S"(used to be "Safe") images are now rated as "S"(Sensitive)(Looked at the images rated S in the past and they are now rated "sensitive")
Questionable still exists, Sensitive didn't replace it. Sensitive is basically exactly the same as Safe, it just now has some things in it that need to be moved to General. General is like "Ultra Safe."
Dank.Knight said:
I get that, I am just saying, wouldn't it be very hard to go back and change the past images that is rated Safe which are now Sensitive because of the changes?
It will be time-consuming, yes. Such is the nature of large changes like this. Don't fret too much about the fact that it was renamed, rating:S is basically the same as before (minus super-safe posts going into G instead).
dmpwn said:
+1 for removing the "swoosh".
Regarding the changes to ratings: it would be nice if "safe mode" was made more specific, so that users can choose a specific set of ratings to enable (I often would prefer to browse without rating:e, but with all of the others).
Evazion has already said that'll probably happen, so look forward to it (unless he changes his mind)
dmpwn said:
Regarding the changes to ratings: it would be nice if "safe mode" was made more specific, so that users can choose a specific set of ratings to enable (I often would prefer to browse without rating:e, but with all of the others).
You can add rating:e to your blacklist. You’ll end up with some blank spots in search results because the blacklist just hides the images, but you won’t have to see them. You can also add tag combinations like rating:e sex to your blacklist if you want more fine-grained filtering.
kittey said:
You can add rating:e to your blacklist. You’ll end up with some blank spots in search results because the blacklist just hides the images, but you won’t have to see them. You can also add tag combinations like rating:e sex to your blacklist if you want more fine-grained filtering.
Nice, thanks!
Username_Hidden said:
I think the addition of the new rating deserves a site-wide announcement, to keep people who don't use forums up to date.
My first thought when I noticed rating:g was "how many years has this been a thing?"
If you mostly consume via RSS, it could take you a while to notice that your rating:s feeds are missing sfw content; etc.