post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

不失者 said:

Is there a way to view only incomplete uploads in the my/all uploads pages?

Not at the moment. There will be in the future. evazion's in the process of reworking the whole upload interface, so it'll take a while for it to be finalized and for quality of life features to be added.

Dolmatov said:

Open the upload page, choose "My Uploads" in top menu.

Look, I don't want to sound rude, but it's clear from your forum posts that you're using machine translation to read and reply. Sometimes your replies cause more confusion than help, so please leave the forums to people who can speak english fluently enough.

不失者 said:

Is there a way to view only incomplete uploads in the my/all uploads pages?

You can use this userscript:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Danbooru hide posts from uploads page
// @match       *://*
// @match       *://*
// @version     0.1.1
// @author      Nameless Contributor
// ==/UserScript==

'use strict';

for (const post of document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="/posts/"]')) post.parentNode.remove();

Some pages might end up completely empty.
You can use this script to enable endless scrolling if you want.

Nameless_Contributor said:

You can use this userscript:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Danbooru hide posts from uploads page
// @match       *://*
// @match       *://*
// @version     0.1.1
// @author      Nameless Contributor
// ==/UserScript==

'use strict';

for (const post of document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="/posts/"]')) post.parentNode.remove();

Some pages might end up completely empty.
You can use this script to enable endless scrolling if you want.

I think you forgot to add * after *://* for it to work on all pages. I'm using it in the gallery mode, which I prefer, and this script helps a lot, making the My Uploads page a really useful and productive tool for uploading. Again, thank you.

MaskedAvenger said:

Did anybody notice trying to upload something from NicoNico Seiga but got the "Not a file or video" message instead?

Yeah I got it the other day, I had to save the image and upload it from my computer.

forum #206334:

  • Removed the batch upload page.

I created a userscript, BatchUploads, which brings back the batch page.

* Project page:

To use it, I updated the batch bookmarklet.

  • Batch to Danbooru-Userscript: javascript:location.href=""+encodeURIComponent(location.href)

I plan to eventually adapt it to work with the "Upload to Danbooru" extension as well.

nonamethanks said:

That tweet is private. I get "You’re unable to view this Tweet because this account owner limits who can view their Tweets".

Ah, I just noticed when I tried with another, that's useful now I don't need to worry about this error message anymore. Thank you

With the new changes, if I forget to select a rating when uploading, instead of the page just re-prompting me to select a rating, I'm taken to a blank page and have to hit back to try and re-upload the image, losing all the added tags in the process.

This is a huge pain as it's very easy for me to forget to select an age rating and having to re-add all of those tags is a time-consuming process. Is the blank screen a bug, or is it by design to disincentive people from forgetting to click the ratings?

Anonymous9000 said:

With the new changes, if I forget to select a rating when uploading, instead of the page just re-prompting me to select a rating, I'm taken to a blank page and have to hit back to try and re-upload the image, losing all the added tags in the process.

This is a huge pain as it's very easy for me to forget to select an age rating and having to re-add all of those tags is a time-consuming process. Is the blank screen a bug, or is it by design to disincentive people from forgetting to click the ratings?

Yeah, that sounds like a bug. For myself, I use the userscript on topic #14474 to validate that I have the ratings entered before submitting an upload.

Anonymous9000 said:

With the new changes, if I forget to select a rating when uploading, instead of the page just re-prompting me to select a rating, I'm taken to a blank page and have to hit back to try and re-upload the image, losing all the added tags in the process.

This is a huge pain as it's very easy for me to forget to select an age rating and having to re-add all of those tags is a time-consuming process. Is the blank screen a bug, or is it by design to disincentive people from forgetting to click the ratings?

This was fixed, the fix will be live on the next site update.

Don't know if anyone has expressed interest in bringing this back, but I did like the zoom options of Full/Large/Small on the old upload page better than the current options of Full/Small. When trying to get a closer look at certain details for tagging it gets pretty annoying having to scroll and find the right section of the image, especially with very high resolution posts.

NinjaPope said:

Don't know if anyone has expressed interest in bringing this back, but I did like the zoom options of Full/Large/Small on the old upload page better than the current options of Full/Small. When trying to get a closer look at certain details for tagging it gets pretty annoying having to scroll and find the right section of the image, especially with very high resolution posts.

Yeah, I didn't even realize that they were gone until you pointed it out. I really liked that old aspect, especially for really huge images, where it's a royal pain to scroll around like you said. Perhaps either the old controls could be brought back, or the image zooming could rotate between Small -> Large -> Full -> Small -> ...

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