post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

MotleyFuzz said:

Not sure if this is place to ask but; why is it when I click an artist/general tag it goes after the web link with &z=1 and &z=2? Is this new?
It kind of confuses me a bit and was wondering if there is a way to not have that since it messes with my bookmarks.

It's been there a few months, for telemetry to see how people end up at certain searches. Another user had a solution in forum #209665 if you don't want it.

Question for anyone browsing this site with Firefox for Android - do you get instances where you click on a link on the site and it takes about 20-30 seconds trying to load the page before silently stopping with no error message? I've had this behavior pop uo when browsing this site (as well as others) and I want to see if it's a browser bug or just an issue with how I've configured FF.

NCX said:

Question for anyone browsing this site with Firefox for Android - do you get instances where you click on a link on the site and it takes about 20-30 seconds trying to load the page before silently stopping with no error message? I've had this behavior pop uo when browsing this site (as well as others) and I want to see if it's a browser bug or just an issue with how I've configured FF.

I'm half-sure it happened to me like once or twice, but it ain't a common issue for me. If it helps, I use pretty much unmodified Firefox, version 101.2.0, and my phone is Samsung Galaxy A40 running Android 11.

NewBoat said:

So did the change for Questionable content no longer get being visible in safe mode go through? I don't see any posts under that anymore while in safe mode.

Same thing is happening to me. I'm glad that they're seemingly trying to remove that softcore stuff from safebooru. But it starts to become an issue when a lot of safe stuff (such as post #976461) is also rated sensitive for some reason, and now I have look at unsafe stuff to even be able to see it.

The same topic as last post, asking why. Why is it necessary to make safe mode (or safebooru.donami) exclude sensitive content, especially since "sensitive" is such a vague description/gets mis-tagged often?
I have a strife with this because posts like #post 4109783 are tagged sensitive. As you can probably see, this post does not meet "sensitive" requirements (while it can be argued that it triggers the "Depictions of thoughts of suicide or self-harm (including gun to head)." clause of the "Howtotag" guide. However, this image does not explicitly or vaguely imply any such things, so I would disagree.)

As someone who enjoys this kind of art, it annoys me that I now have to go off safemode and blacklist "explicit" and "questionable" in order to see mistagged content.

Is this change permanent? I highly dislike it, myself.

sensitiveshit said:

Same thing is happening to me. I'm glad that they're seemingly trying to remove that softcore stuff from safebooru. But it starts to become an issue when a lot of safe stuff (such as post #976461) is also rated sensitive for some reason, and now I have look at unsafe stuff to even be able to see it.

Posts were not automatically changed to the new General rating when the update went live, they need to be changed by hand, and as a result many posts are still incorrectly rated Sensitive.

blindVigil said:

Posts were not automatically changed to the new General rating when the update went live, they need to be changed by hand, and as a result many posts are still incorrectly rated Sensitive.

Changing thousands (if not more) of posts by hand seems like a job. It seems unfeasible. It would require someone to sit down through the "sensitive" tag, and filter between softcore images and mistagged sensitive. I doubt danbooru has the manpower or resources to finance such an operation.

bakiomari said:

Changing thousands (if not more) of posts by hand seems like a job. It seems unfeasible. It would require someone to sit down through the "sensitive" tag, and filter between softcore images and mistagged sensitive. I doubt danbooru has the manpower or resources to finance such an operation.

Danbooru's manpower is its users, including you. Manually is the only way to do it, because Safemode/Safebooru cannot have any even slightly sexual content. It would be impossible to automate.

blindVigil said:

Danbooru's manpower is its users, including you. Manually is the only way to do it, because Safemode/Safebooru cannot have any even slightly sexual content. It would be impossible to automate.

Sure, fair enough. However, (and I say this as a suggestion rather than directly to you), it would be better if we still had the old system of separationin some place (maybe in safe mode?). When I search up some tags now, I end up getting full pages of blacklisted explicit/questionable content. This makes browsing those tags incredibly annoying, like fishing for gold in a pool.
Also, another problem with having to go off safebooru to see sensitive content is that sometimes posts load for a split second before being blacklisted. This means that I see explicit content for a split second, which is a big no no.
I can complain forever, so now would be a good time to stop.

I hope danbooru staff choose the best course of action moving forward.

Some observations:

1. Safemode is currently only displaying G rated posts, despite what's written on the settings menu, try activating it and search for -rating:g.

2. There is for safebooru now, don't confuse it with, which has nothing to do with danbooru.

3. Currently, there's an AI being developed for help with tagging stuff and it's planned to use it to find misrated uploads in the future, but there isn't any official changelog at the moment, check here.

There's a increasing number of complaints about the current rating system recently, for the problem mentioned above about blacklisting, there's this custom CSS as a current workaround, hopefully that will be solved in the future.

For now that all I know and all I can say.

sensitiveshit said:

Nice, to have it on a new website, but I think everyone in this chat was referring to and not .org

I know that, this was just an additional info I felt worth mentioning along with the new site, the reason it changed the domain was to avoid that confusion in the first place. I could have worded it better though, I acknowledge that.


blindVigil said:

Danbooru's manpower is its users, including you. Manually is the only way to do it, because Safemode/Safebooru cannot have any even slightly sexual content. It would be impossible to automate.

The bb_(fate) tag suddenly dropping to only 3 pages makes a lot more sense now that "even slightly sexual" was clarified. Guess I'm turning off safemode.

InfiniteZenith said:

Is there a way to remove uploads from "My Uploads" if they turn out to be a duplicate someone else has already uploaded?

Not Yet (TM). The whole My Uploads thing is still very much in development.

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