
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

post #4949644

I would like more clarification as to why this one was deleted?
It's literally the original version of the image, the one that was uploaded previously was a 'clean' version without dialogue.
I assumed it was okay to upload multiple different variants of a same image, especially since this one is the original.

Approvers don't always like stuff, another approver would approve. It is allowed and welcome to upload different variants of images, but that doesn't mean that another approver will approve it, just because on other did. In this case it's possible, that NNT didn't see the variant you uploaded or changed his mind about it.

tremolo_measure said:

I would like to know what is the problem with this post #4626193

Bad shading, 'unbalanced' eyes and a very bad left hand.

tremolo_measure said:

I have been looking for some big issue and did not find any.
same for this post #4728182

Hands and fingers look somewhat off.

tremolo_measure said:

and this post #4766758

Bad hands and fingers. Breasts, neck and collarbone look mispositioned. Bikini top looks like body painting.

post #4956143

NSFW. Reasons for the deletion have been given, but I'm posting here to see if anyone else has a problem with the character's body proportions and parts and thinks the deletion is justified? If if gets approved, it would be good if the child post was too, it is of higher quality I believe.

klorpa said:

post #4932871
post #4933035
post #4934034
post #4934869
post #4937051
post #4939135
post #4939151
post #4939340
post #4939412
post #4940883
post #4941233
post #4943744
post #4945603
post #4946458
post #4946541
post #4948438
post #4956725

These posts are all larger versions, revisions, or both of other images that have been previously uploaded and approved here, but they've been deleted.

I'm seeing pretty much all of them being posts from over a decade ago and a lot of them just plain aren't good. Stuff like post #4939151 is ugly and comes from a wild west era of Danbooru.

Almost none of those images were originally approved. And, even if they were, you can't use that as a measuring stick. Something uploaded over a decade ago, especially by unres users or albert (meaning it's from when things could be uploaded without an account), should be treated with a lot of care.

Nothing gets a free pass on Danbooru.

Veradux said:

Something uploaded over a decade ago, especially by unres users or albert (meaning it's from when things could be uploaded without an account), should be treated with a lot of care.

Just to be clear on this point, you always needed an account to upload, but there was a point were a lot of user accounts from very early Danbooru got purged. It still indicates those posts are from an early period when the rules & acceptance criteria were different.

post #4957066

Any logical reason why this wasn't approved in 9 reviewers? Pretty sure it wasn't paid content as I took it from the added pixiv link, and it was tagged.

Edit: based on history seemingly because its .png, I'll fix that.
Edit 2: I mean make a replacement request.
Edit 3: Someone said on that thread that mine is the same as the source, so I'm not sure anymore. I'll just make an appeal.


jxh2154 said:

People have been asking for a thread where feedback on uploads could be obtained. So here it is. I have some reservations about how acrimonious this thread is likely to get, and if it turns into nothing more than a flame-fest, I will lock it.

Rules for those requesting feedback:
#1 - You are not guaranteed feedback. It is entirely voluntary to give it.
#2 - Danbooru may simply not be an appropriate place for your favorite art. If so, accept this and move on.
#3 - Try not to be too thin-skinned,and don't take things personally.

Rules for those giving feedback:
#1 - Give constructive feedback only.
#2 - Refrain from name-calling. Asking people to be thick-skinned doesn't mean you're allowed to be insulting.

Got my first post Deleted for Poor quality but does that mean ? is it cause the quality of the picture ?

RedsparkCity said:

Got my first post Deleted for Poor quality but does that mean ? is it cause the quality of the picture ?

Yes. That’s not something you should post on Danbooru. Actually, posting your own art is severely frowned upon. Please post to sites like DeviantArt or Pixiv instead.