
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Cutter said:

can someone explain me how bookmarklet works? It does literally nothing.

I would say this might not be the best place to ask that question, but you already made a new thread just for your question, so never mind.

But since I'm here again, post #4764574 and post #4764582 got deleted and I'm genuinely stumped as to why. I guess because the positions were too awkward or the proportions made Jack O' look too unappealing?

Self uploads are frowned upon on danbooru. You should rather upload your art to deviantart, pixiv, twitter or some other site.
Comparing your uploads to others also won't help your case, as every image should stand for itself. It's better to state, why you think your image is good enough to be approved.

Sproq981 said:

I would say this might not be the best place to ask that question, but you already made a new thread just for your question, so never mind.

But since I'm here again, post #4764574 and post #4764582 got deleted and I'm genuinely stumped as to why. I guess because the positions were too awkward or the proportions made Jack O' look too unappealing?

post #4764574: Very rough linework. Flat shading. Odd perspective with her arms.
post #4764582: Similar problems but worse. Especially her bottom torso (and the way both thighs are just joined together). Hands are also bad (or perhaps unfinished). And also bad coloring all over the place with many spots left uncolored along the edges of sketch lines.


incelpapist said:

Your life is a flaw man

You posted in the upload feedback thread, I provided feedback. No reason for personal attacks. If you think your posts deserve to be approved you can appeal them, but be aware that only approvers who haven't responded your post within the last month will see it, so waiting a month before appealing might be a good idea.

Nameless_Contributor said:

You posted in the upload feedback thread, I provided feedback. No reason for personal attacks. If you think your posts deserve to be approved you can appeal them, but be aware that only approvers who haven't responded your post within the last month will see it, so waiting a month before appealing might be a good idea.

I will probably do that but not expecting much of a result considering the moderators are biased towards explicit imagery. Also what specifically about the perspective is off? Thanks!

incelpapist said:

I will probably do that but not expecting much of a result considering the moderators are biased towards explicit imagery. Also what specifically about the perspective is off? Thanks!

Each approvers have different of art tastes.