If this is indeed a huge problem then the idea presented here:
abcadeff said:
I think the upload restriction is a good idea. It's currently 16 (I think) posts every 24 hours. I bet putting it down to 5 would cut down on mods' work big time. Then, every 20 posts they made without a deletion, they could have their limit raised by 5, or something.
Might be the best solution. Sadly when it comes to a public contribution based site like this there will always be a great number of asshats that upload utter shit and then give the sole justification that "Hey, I like it so it should be allowed!" And some of these people play ball when it comes to time based systems. However, a restrictive upload cap that gets smaller when more uploads are deleted (with valid reasoning with "this is shit" being quite valid for all intents and purposes) would cut down on workload for the mods and perhaps help in some regard at least.