evazion said:
Except the money albert gets from advertising and account upgrades.
Which'd be countered by a *sharp* decline in bandwidth usage, reducing the costs.
abcadeff said:
On the other hand, not everyone who just comes to Danbooru occasionally for a quick fap is an idiot like this, and 99% of them aren't even causing any problem, as far as I can see. Other than shitty posts and occasional bits of retarded drama in the comments, what IS the problem this thread was meant to address?
The problem IS shitty posts and drama. For two reasons, explained below.
And those problems (which are going to persist anyway, even if all of these people were gone) can be taken care of just like I said before: by janitors and mods not approving stuff they don't like, and maybe handing out blocks for people who consistently upload crap (the ones who don't get the hint after 20 of their first 30 posts aren't approved...)
See, you don't see the mod queue, or don't mod the site, so you're probably not seeing the full extent of this. Let me establish this as a common notion then: MODERATING DANBOORU IS A METRIC SHITLOAD OF WORK. You have no idea how much time it burns. One recent example:
I screen all new posts to perform some basic surgery on a small set of tags I care about, as well as fix obvious misratings. Danbooru moves at about 35-40 pages of new posts on an average day. Recently I didn't have the time to review for 5+ days, so when I came back, I had a huge backlog. I do reviewing by starting with the first page of post listing and moving backwards until I hit pages I have already reviewed. By the time I finished, I was already 1.5 days behind the front page, and got up to page 300 or so of the listing. Let me sum up the numbers: I spent full 1.5 days, doing very little else than just catching up with danbooru, reviewed about 260 pages of posts (that's some 5400 uploads), scored above 10% of the total tag edit count. Then you have to add sending mails to new, confused and misbehaving users, banning and handing out records, resolving disputes and handling questions, plus reading the forum. Danbooru could easily be a full-time job, and I have to support myself and finish my studies.
For the above reason, ANYTHING that adds more work is unacceptable. And your solution adds more work for mods, whilst failing to send the message to new people. That's reason one.
Reason two is that I'm absolutely not interested in danbooru as a public repository of porn. I'm also not interested in a 4chan-style stockpile of internet idiocy. I'm interested in danbooru being a hub for a community of smart, dedicated people centered around collecting and cataloguing high-quality JP-related art. For this reason, just having idiots who don't care is a problem, because it dilutes the valuable people. And having a high concentration of smart people dedicated to something leads to good things that don't occur otherwise, therefore it's imperative for me to protect that resource.
Furthermore, I want a community that's as welcoming to new valuable members as possible, whilst deterring the undesirable ones. Thus any measures we set up for this purpose should target the characteristics likely amongst people we want to attract and unlikely amongst the ones we want to scare off (and vice-versa). I would like it to be publically accessible with no restrictions, but that is not a workable long-term solution. What was self-regulating in 2005, when danbooru was a small site no-one knew about, now requires systematic measures and continuous maintenance. I have nothing against people who "come here occasionally for a quick fap", but that's not the same as people who treat danbooru as their private, 24/7 porn reservoir.
Bottom line: I want a solution that sends a strong message about what danbooru is and isn't. Telling you up-front that you won't be able to access porn for X days, in big bold letters, is such a message. It should convey the idea of "we're not a porn people" clearly, whilst inconveniencing people who come here to contribute only mildly. The precise value of X can be tweaked, as can be other implementation details, but anything you propose should retain the core of screaming BOOOOOORING to the porn-fappers before they bother going any further. Of course they can sit it out if they're determined enough, but that's not the point. The point is to make them feel unwelcome from the beginning.