
Explicit content vs. member accounts vs. we're not a porn site

Posted under General

Comment restrictions are a no. If someone posts a bad comment, flag it for deletion or give him a negative record; simple as that. I think having some kind of pop-up telling users to check timestamps on posts would be more helpful than any word minimum.

Log said:
You do realize he gave you an example where a single character response would be acceptable and you ignored it, right.

Not ignored, but my post was more aimed at the actual opinions and conversations that would be encouraged within the picture's comments. Plus, he posed the question "What would one do in the following situation," not stating an opinion, but rather a quandary.

SideAngleAlly said:
Not ignored, but my post was more aimed at the actual opinions and conversations that would be encouraged within the picture's comments. Plus, he posed the question "What would one do in the following situation," not stating an opinion, but rather a quandary.

You do realize that made absolutely no sense, right.

SideAngleAlly said:
There's no pleasing you artsy folk, is there?

I want to hop in right there and say something about you Side.. I respect that you're into the site and are contributing in the forums with a history of only two days, but I want to bring out the issue of your comments. All of your comments on pictures are for the most part just complimenting some aspect of the picture, an angle, the colors, the situation, etc.. All of your comments are just posting the obvious, which any person could see. In my personal opinion, when you say, "There's no pleasing you artsy.." I feel like you're trying to do exactly that. I think you're taking the seriousness of this thread to a whole different level. I personally agree that there are people who say stupid things, but Danbooru also has a lot of people with a keen sense of humor which brings laughs to the site. I don't think that doing something that would remove a mass amount of members would be such a great thing. I really wouldn't want to see Danbooru turn into a place where everyone is sipping tea and making comments like SideAngleAlly.

As I said in my original post, the idea to have a minimum word requirement would to encourage people not to make useless posts like those of the Youtube commenter, or other wise. Comments like that, to me at least, are very aggravating.

Like I said before, I can't see humor being gained from comments like, "eww," or, "that's so cool."

Regarding my own comments, I'm new to art criticism and I'm getting the feel of it. Granted, in some of my comments I am saying the obvious, but I'm saying the parts that I like. The idea behind this is to encourage the reader to take note of what one person likes. If I can, I'll throw in something interesting, but for the most part, yes. Instead of saying "that's tight," I'll stride for discussing what I personally like in the picture.

SideAngleAlly said:
Like I said before, I can't see humor being gained from comments like, "eww," or, "that's so cool."

I really shouldn't even have to say this, but of course you can't see the humor that Danbooru has, you've only been here two days. The reason you don't see any humor in comments like, "eww" or "that's so cool" isn't because of you, but is due to the fact that those comments aren't funny. Chances are you don't even know what half the material on this site is from. So it's given that you wouldn't understand anything in the first place.

Also, as 0xCCBA696 said, you completely failed to see the post ่‘‰ๆœˆ made about single-character responses, as well as many others on minimum word requirements. It will not work, and it doesn't matter how fancy you try to argue your opinion, it won't happen.

SideAngleAlly, you are missing the point. We don't want comments containing people's opinions of art. Danbooru is... a museum -- a fine art gallery if you will -- and the members we value and want to foster interaction among are those who act like curators -- adding good material, researching things about images, translating them, generally doing what a curator would do. Visitors to the danbooru museum and admirers of the masterpieces ensconced within are asked to please shut the fuck up about how beautiful Reimu's armpits are, etc.

You are part of the problem.


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