
Explicit content vs. member accounts vs. we're not a porn site

Posted under General

If this is indeed a huge problem then the idea presented here:

abcadeff said:
I think the upload restriction is a good idea. It's currently 16 (I think) posts every 24 hours. I bet putting it down to 5 would cut down on mods' work big time. Then, every 20 posts they made without a deletion, they could have their limit raised by 5, or something.

Might be the best solution. Sadly when it comes to a public contribution based site like this there will always be a great number of asshats that upload utter shit and then give the sole justification that "Hey, I like it so it should be allowed!" And some of these people play ball when it comes to time based systems. However, a restrictive upload cap that gets smaller when more uploads are deleted (with valid reasoning with "this is shit" being quite valid for all intents and purposes) would cut down on workload for the mods and perhaps help in some regard at least.

T5J8F8 said:
What happens if a post is deleted after being approved (such as a higher-quality version being posted, or changing relevancy issues)? Further, what if a post is appealed?

A trigger can be set that only certain deletions cause a negative impact. Likewise, if a post is appealed the negative impact is repealed. I'm not sure how often an appeal is actually successful per say, myself. If it's a lot then perhaps a code could be made, but if it's only a handful then a mod could do it manually, if necessary. This would still be, overall, less work I believe.

If the upload restriction is very stringent, it becomes very appealing to make multiple accounts to bypass it, keep that in mind.

I still think my "slots-based upload" solution is better, especially if the message when you have no slots is something along the lines of "You have no upload slots left! Your images are currently in the moderator queue awaiting approval. You must wait for one or more of your images to be approved or rejected before you can upload new ones."

No "additional slots"-system seems necessary since the system is largely self-regulating, and what happens after the mod queue shouldn't concern us either. I will suggest however that if an image gets actively deleted while it's in the mod queue, it takes up that upload slots for the full 3 days, or maybe even longer--that way deleting an image, which only happens in the most egregious cases of rule breaking, begets an extra level of punishment).

I also think we haven't exhausted the idea of using help files and howto's. Even though people claim they won't be read, we really don't know that at this point, since there's bugger all material of that kind on danbooru.

I think a lot of people have agreed that more help docs would be a good thing. The only hold up here is that no one has taken the initiative to actually start writing them. I'd like to help but I'm not sure where to start or what all needs to be covered. I suspect this is what's holding back other people as well. Maybe we could just get something started on the wiki and see how things go.

I was just wondering how we can not call this a porn site. If we want it to actually be safe for all members, then I agree with the people who say we should restrict new members from viewing explicit images. Someone who isn’t here for hentai is still for sure to see it. It may have safe images but when you click on posts there is ALWAYS a explicit or questionable image on every page. Just a idea (I’m sure I’m not the first to come up with this) we could have members who want to view hentai required to enter their age if their new. Yeah it wouldn’t stop minors from seeing it, but it would stop the people who don’t want to see it from doing so. That would help for people who are only here for anime.

Juugon said:
Just a idea (I’m sure I’m not the first to come up with this) we could have members who want to view hentai required to enter their age if their new. Yeah it wouldn’t stop minors from seeing it, but it would stop the people who don’t want to see it from doing so. That would help for people who are only here for anime.

This is just for people who explicitly don't want to see such content, and those already have 2 options:
1. safebooru
2. blacklist --> rating:e and rating:q

pixiv has an option "View adult content" yes/no

Safebooru is only a branch in that it accesses the same database via a slightly modified interface. Any asinine commentry or posting on a hypothetical Unsafebooru would still show up on Danbooru. Thus it would fail to do anything as far as the goals of this thread are concerned.

WakuWaku said:
Instead of going straight to something extreme like this, maybe we should start by actually informing people this isn't a porn site. Considering there's porn on the front page, porn in the popular pages, porn in the ads, a large amount of porn here in general, and besides the occasional forum post like this just about NOTHING that says "this place isn't a porn site", it seems silly to jump on people for thinking it is.

I completely agree. I really like this site for being a searchable portal for Japanese-drawn images, but I always feel ashamed when I send friends direct links. Why? because all the advertizements are for porn, and masturbators and stuff. I think danbooru could clean up it's reputation with some cleaner ads.

SleepyTamama said:
[...]but I always feel ashamed when I send friends direct links. Why? because all the advertizements are for porn, and masturbators and stuff

Hello? Safebooru? Can't you even read the post above yours?

If it's a safe image you're linking to, just link to it on safebooru. If it's nsfw you wouldn't worry about nsfw ads anyway.

SleepyTamama said:
I always feel ashamed when I send friends direct links. Why? because all the advertizements are for porn, and masturbators and stuff.

Your friends (if they're real) sound like a bunch of squares if they can't deal with advertisements, something everyone on the internet has seen before. If anything you can send them the direct link to the file and not the post.

Danbooru doesn't need to clean up its image.

While he should just use safebooru, the point about the ads on danbooru being largely porn is certainly a relevant and correct one. But those are the companies that are willing to pay, so there's not much that can be done about it.

Regarding the comment situation, I feel that restricting comments to one or two weeks is, as the name states, a bit restrictive. I'm a big fan of art, and part of the draw of the site is to comment on good pieces of art right from the get go. I don't mind waiting, but when you put in a subject and start strolling down the gallery, not being able to post comments can be frustrating.

But just as frustrating are those comments by people who don't say anything constructive or interesting, as most of the people on page one of this thread said, "that's cool" "lol awesome" "nix pix," comments like these are dangerous and destructive. I'll recommend just about any video on youtube these days for a real good example of just what these comments can do.

I think it'd be cool to have either a word minimum for the posts. It'd make people really think on what they should say, and scare the people who can only come up with "cool pix" away.

Another thing that would be good would be a spell check upon pressing post, but I think we're a bit away from having such a luxury.

SideAngleAlly said:
I think it'd be cool to have either a word minimum for the posts. It'd make people really think on what they should say, and scare the people who can only come up with "cool pix" away.

Once again, you can't measure decency in numbers. What do you do in the following situation:
>> What kanji is that in the last panel?

>> 鑰

Are you going to require people to pad their succint, useful and to the point responses with verbiage just to conform with some artificial number of words that you decided make a decent comment? In doing that you've just *lowered* the quality of a perfectly fine and helpful comment, and likely scared the commenter away.

I'm not a fan of the comment restriction at all (I think it commits exactly the same sin and hurts decent contributors way more than the bad ones), but more numbers in the system is not a solution and never will be. If you have any doubts about the correlation between word count and comment quality, take a look at truckingman's comments.

葉月 said:

I'm not a fan of the comment restriction at all (I think it commits exactly the same sin and hurts decent contributors way more than the bad ones), but more numbers in the system is not a solution and never will be. If you have any doubts about the correlation between word count and comment quality, take a look at truckingman's comments.

Having gone and read some of his comments, I see your point.

I should explain the idea further: the word minimum, in a hypothetical setting, would be at least 20 words, which is, of your post, just

>Are you going to require people to pad their succint, useful and to the point responses with verbiage just to

Roughly two lines of text. I can't imagine any sort of useful or to the point comment being less than that.

SideAngleAlly said:
Roughly two lines of text. I can't imagine any sort of useful or to the point comment being less than that.

You do realize he gave you an example where a single character response would be acceptable and you ignored it, right.

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