post #9000000 GET!

Changing all Pokemon tags to English localisations

Posted under Tags

Mysterious_Uploader said:

The change from JP to EN has already been decided,

Just heard about it, kinda a shame even if the reasons are strong, I discovered Danbooru years ago and the use of the JP pokemon names over EN kinda gave a certain... “charm” to this place. I suppose it came with a price then, and now the price is too great to be worth it.

Searchwanted said:

Just heard about it, kinda a shame even if the reasons are strong, I discovered Danbooru years ago and the use of the JP pokemon names over EN kinda gave a certain... “charm” to this place. I suppose it came with a price then, and now the price is too great to be worth it.

Yeah, this is gonna make my local folder a mess, I'm gonna have to make a different folder just for manually renaming files before I put them in my current folder. Years of saving things with Japanese names would make it hard to use the English names, plus I much prefer the Japanese names, I think a lot of the English names are ugly and Danbooru has helped me move over to the Japanese names.

domanus said:

Or you know instead you can just keep it as is... and not change it for the sake of changing it The only thing that really needs to change is how the Pokemon 2019 anime is tagged as, since there is no such thing as a sword and shield anime why is the Tag pokemon_swsh_(anime)?

Yeah, we should probably update pokemon_swsh_(anime) to either hakumei_no_tsubasa or pokemon:_twilight_wings after this has reached its conclusion.

Mysterious_Uploader said:

Alright, let's just go with alias blue_(pokemon_adventures) -> green_(pokemon). If this goes on any longer nothing will get done.

There is no blue_(pokemon_adventures) tag as far as I know. It's just being tagged blue_(pokemon) pokemon_special. But I do agree that this should continue to be the case, and that counterparts should remain under a single tag, distinguishable with copyright tags.

Elfaleon said:

Yeah, we should probably update pokemon_swsh_(anime) to either hakumei_no_tsubasa or pokemon:_twilight_wings after this has reached its conclusion.

Twilight Wings is a separate miniseries; if we were going to rename it to anything it'd be Pokemon Journeys. Even that series is still based loosely around Sword and Shield despite the main characters travelling, though, so I don't think treating this latest instalment as a special case is worth it. We can vote on a BUR afterwards, though.

I think leaving this BUR in limbo like this is a terrible idea, also because there are probably many missed searches with the unaliasing which took place. Either revert the unalias BUR and go back to EN -> JP or accept this one.


I've been holding off on approving this because approving it now would break hundreds of wiki pages, all of which would have to be fixed by hand. Every wiki page linking to any of the old tags has to be fixed to link to the new tags, which would take hours and hours to do manually. I've been working revamping BURs to fix broken wiki links automatically, but it take some more time until it's tested and ready to use on a massive request like this.

Obstetrics said:

There is no blue_(pokemon_adventures) tag as far as I know. It's just being tagged blue_(pokemon) pokemon_special. But I do agree that this should continue to be the case, and that counterparts should remain under a single tag, distinguishable with copyright tags.

Twilight Wings is a separate miniseries; if we were going to rename it to anything it'd be Pokemon Journeys. Even that series is still based loosely around Sword and Shield despite the main characters travelling, though, so I don't think treating this latest instalment as a special case is worth it. We can vote on a BUR afterwards, though.

It's not based loosely around sword and shield tho :/ do you even watch the anime?

Just going to chime in here to say that I don't like this suggestion. It was a bad suggestion for Fire Emblem before this, but at least there was a point to be taken there regarding the names not always staying consistent when translated. This isn't the case for Pokémon. The vast majority of the names are easily written in rōmaji, so all this really looks like is that the English names are pushed to the forefront due to preference, and not due to any logical or structural advantage that might otherwise exist.

This sets a bad precedent if you ask me. If we're ready to change easily translatable Japanese names to their invented counterparts, then where do we draw the line? Will this continue to happen until everything with an English translation has ousted the original names? We're dealing with a Japanese subject matter, and thus those names should always have priority whenever possible. "But more people know about the localised names!" is an irrelevant stance to take, and also fairly naive. It's something people stick with because it allows them to score an easy technical point without having to directly address the core of the argument.

elci said:

This sets a bad precedent if you ask me. If we're ready to change easily translatable Japanese names to their invented counterparts, then where do we draw the line?

It's gonna be a case-by-case basis based on how are characters called usually in english communities, but in my opinion EN > JP on videogame series with more than 50 characters. Anime is a different matter, but for that i'd say JP > EN.
I think this has already been discussed before, but with videogames now having global releases, it's rare that JP names are known better than EN ones.

That said, the Pokemon JP -> EN change has already been decided, so there's no point discussing this.

As dismissive as always, I see. Like I mentioned, which set of names that is known better is extremely skewed since we're a western community. I believe that there are better metrics to go by than "popularity" which is only ever going to go one way.

elci said:
"But more people know about the localised names!" is an irrelevant stance to take, and also fairly naive.

It's not, it's one of the most important points to consider, because it directly affects how many people actually come here from Google and other search engines. A site like this stagnates if there's no constant influx of new people who contribute. If something is overwhelmingly known by its english name, there is no reason for us to stick to japanese other than for blindly following rules written 15 years ago, when the internet was very different.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill. I have severe doubts that this site is anywhere close to being in a state of peril. It's also worth noting that in theory, one single person could do mostly all there is to do on this site, because unlike somewhere like pixiv (which would in fact stagnate without new people), there is no creative process involved in tagging and uploading images. It's a chore. A valuable one, but a chore nonetheless.

No, this most certainly is a case of people wanting to change things into what they themselves like. I would've liked to see if the "for" group would've been as prevalent had the roles been reversed. Using the Japanese names is not due to feeling a need to abide to certain rules, but simply because they are what the characters were given by their creators. Artistic integrity should always be considered above popularity.

BUR #3389 has been approved by @evazion.

rename hitomi_(pokemon) -> kate_(pokemon)
rename deser_(pokemon) -> heath_(pokemon)
rename wataru_(pokemon) -> lance_(pokemon)
rename sakura_(pokemon) -> daisy_(pokemon)
create alias lack-two_(pokemon) -> blake_(pokemon)
create alias whi-two_(pokemon) -> whitley_(pokemon)
create alias jujube_(pokemon) -> bellelba_(pokemon)
create implication black_(pokemon) -> hilbert_(pokemon)
create implication white_(pokemon) -> hilda_(pokemon)
create implication tsurugi_soudo -> victor_(pokemon)
create implication tate_shirudomiria -> gloria_(pokemon)
create implication pokemon_adventures -> pokemon

Part 3.

Changed the mass updates to renames, as per the change in the previous part.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3389 (forum #172263) has been approved by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

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