post #9000000 GET!

Changing all Pokemon tags to English localisations

Posted under Tags

Pokemon tags have always existed as an inconstancy in Danbooru tagging. Pokemon creature names, objects, and locations are largely in English while human names are in Japanese. Similarly, some copyright names are in English while some are in Japanese. With popular opinion shifting toward being less stringent about maintaining the native Japanese nouns in all cases, instead moving to a more case-by-case policy, I suggest we eliminate this inconsistency and transfer to the Pokemon English localisations across the board in our tagging. Fire Emblem has already taken this approach for some names, as does the Fate series in some instances.

Pokemon is a highly globalised franchise. Many English character names in particular are more recognised globally than their native counterparts by a large margin. Even non-English translations have at times used the English localisation as a baseline (hence why Kasumi is "Misty" in German, Italian, Spanish, and Russian). This directly harms Danbooru's search engine performance on Google and the like, and, given that Pokemon is one of the most heavily uploaded copyrights to the site, likely hurts the site's traffic significantly for what is, in my view, little discernible benefit.

Speaking personally, I am a Poké Maniac. I've watched every anime episode, played most of the games etc..., and yet even I must still head to google on a regular basis while using Danbooru because I can't remember the Japanese name of some less than prominent character. If this is my experience, then I don't think the average user is benefiting from current usage on what is an English-language site.

I'd like to use this thread to gauge support before work begins on what will naturally be a very large BUR.

Related: topic #16491


I pretty much agree with all of your points. It's always seemed weird to me that we use english names for the creatures but japanese for the characters. I still need to google the characters' names every time I upload from that copyright.

I have always been in favor for using the EN names with similar reasoning but it always got shut down, ever after the Fire Emblem BUR went through.

There's no valid reasoning against using the EN names.

I'm normally in favor of Japanese names, but it always has made little sense to use English names for some entities from a copyright but not others from the same copyright. I would support this.

I support this. I feel that Pokemon is one of the copyright that's better using English names than Japanese ones. I mean, Pixiv uses English names in the translated tags to make searching for a Pokemon or character easier for those unfamiliar with the original names. So why not Danbooru too?


I am 'on the fence' because I think it had to do with the game characters vs the anime/manga characters. It made sense to have the creature names in English due to how popular the localization is and that A LOT of Japanese Pokemon names are so literal to everyday objects that it was simply easier to sort them using the English localization.

There are some instances of duplicate names within the localized branches of the franchise, and on top of that there's the issues "Green" and "Blue", as well between "Gold" and "Ethan". The creatures themselves stay consistent, but the human characters may be simpler to defer to their original names and rely on wikis to aid users (which, let's be honest, if they're not of mind to use those, they may not be of mind to be in this site).

Given the support for this idea, I'm finishing up the BUR later today. It'll have to be, at minimum, done in three parts to avoid situations like the one mentioned above (Blue/Green) causing conflicts. (1) Unalias, (2) Move most, and (3) Move previous conflicts. Despite that, the second part will still be around 400 lines long, so if it's felt these should be broken down further to help with error checking then I'm taking suggestions.

Danielx21 said:

However, as a minor problem, this would probably reverse Blue and Green, which could cause a bit of confusion.

ookido_green -> blue_oak (boy)
blue_(pokemon) -> green_(pokemon) (girl)

I'm recommending we move blue_(pokemon) to leaf_(pokemon) for the time being. Personally, I think that identifier is better since it's more unique, and we can easily move it back to green_(pokemon) at a later date if people disagree. Additionally, we should probably not leave aliases to avoid confusion between the characters.


Obstetrics said:

I'm recommending we move blue_(pokemon) to leaf_(pokemon) for the time being. Personally, I think that identifier is better since it's more unique, and we can easily move it back to green_(pokemon) at a later date if people disagree. Additionally, we should probably not leave aliases to avoid confusion between the characters.

I think Green is better, because Leaf refers specifically to her FRLG appearance, while Green appears in both as an original design (black dress) and as the in-game female protagonist design.

BUR #3126 has been approved by @evazion.


remove alias leaf_(pokemon) -> blue_(pokemon)
remove alias hibiki_(pokemon) -> gold_(pokemon)
remove alias ethan_(pokemon) -> gold_(pokemon)
remove alias kris_(pokemon) -> crystal_(pokemon)
remove alias lyra_(pokemon) -> kotone_(pokemon)
remove alias brendan_(pokemon) -> yuuki_(pokemon)
remove alias may_(pokemon) -> haruka_(pokemon)
remove alias lucas_(pokemon) -> kouki_(pokemon)
remove alias dawn_(pokemon) -> hikari_(pokemon)
remove implication black_(pokemon) -> touya_(pokemon)
remove alias male_protagonist_(pokemon_b&w) -> touya_(pokemon)
remove alias hilbert_(pokemon) -> touya_(pokemon)
remove implication white_(pokemon) -> touko_(pokemon)
remove alias female_protagonist_(pokemon_b&w) -> touko_(pokemon)
remove alias hilda_(pokemon) -> touko_(pokemon)
remove implication lack-two_(pokemon) -> kyouhei_(pokemon)
remove alias nate_(pokemon) -> kyouhei_(pokemon)
remove alias male_protagonist_(pokemon_bw2) -> kyouhei_(pokemon)
remove implication whi-two_(pokemon) -> mei_(pokemon)
remove alias female_protagonist_(pokemon_bw2) -> mei_(pokemon)
remove alias rosa_(pokemon) -> mei_(pokemon)
remove alias calem_(pokemon) -> calme_(pokemon)
remove alias elio_(pokemon) -> you_(pokemon)
remove alias selene_(pokemon) -> mizuki_(pokemon)
remove alias chase_(pokemon) -> kakeru_(pokemon)
remove alias elaine_(pokemon) -> ayumi_(pokemon)
remove implication tsurugi_soudo -> masaru_(pokemon)
remove alias victor_(pokemon) -> masaru_(pokemon)
remove alias male_protagonist_(pokemon_swsh) -> masaru_(pokemon)
remove implication tate_shirudomiria -> yuuri_(pokemon)
remove alias gloria_(pokemon) -> yuuri_(pokemon)
remove alias female_protagonist_(pokemon_swsh) -> yuuri_(pokemon)
remove implication ookido_green_(classic) -> ookido_green
remove alias blue_oak -> ookido_green
remove alias green_oak -> ookido_green
remove alias green_(pokemon) -> ookido_green
remove alias shigeru_(pokemon) -> ookido_shigeru
remove alias gary_oak -> ookido_shigeru
remove alias gary_(pokemon) -> ookido_shigeru
remove alias wally_(pokemon) -> mitsuru_(pokemon)
remove alias barry_(pokemon) -> jun_(pokemon)
remove alias bell_(pokemon) -> bel_(pokemon)
remove alias bianca_(pokemon) -> bel_(pokemon)
remove alias rival_(pokemon_bw2) -> hue_(pokemon)
remove alias hugh_(pokemon) -> hue_(pokemon)
remove alias shauna_(pokemon) -> sana_(pokemon)
remove alias trevor_(pokemon) -> toroba_(pokemon)
remove alias bede_(pokemon) -> beet_(pokemon)
remove alias marnie_(pokemon) -> mary_(pokemon)
remove alias giovanni_(pokemon) -> sakaki_(pokemon)
remove alias jessie_(pokemon) -> musashi_(pokemon)
remove alias zinnia_(pokemon) -> higana_(pokemon)
remove alias geechisu_(pokemon) -> g-cis_harmonia_gropius
remove alias ghetsis_(pokemon) -> g-cis_harmonia_gropius
remove alias colress_(pokemon) -> akuroma_(pokemon)
remove alias lysandre_(pokemon) -> fleur-de-lis_(pokemon)
remove alias malva_(pokemon) -> pachira_(pokemon)
remove alias piers_(pokemon) -> nezu_(pokemon)
remove alias oleana_(pokemon) -> olive_(pokemon)
remove alias brock -> takeshi_(pokemon)
remove alias brock_(pokemon) -> takeshi_(pokemon)
remove alias misty -> kasumi_(pokemon)
remove alias misty_(pokemon) -> kasumi_(pokemon)
remove alias daisy_(pokemon) -> ookido_nanami
remove alias daisy_oak -> ookido_nanami
remove alias nanami_(pokemon) -> ookido_nanami
remove alias lieutenant_surge -> matis_(pokemon)
remove alias lt_surge -> matis_(pokemon)
remove alias lt._surge_(pokemon) -> matis_(pokemon)
remove alias lt._surge -> matis_(pokemon)
remove alias lieutenant_surge_(pokemon) -> matis_(pokemon)
remove alias machisu_(pokemon) -> matis_(pokemon)
remove alias surge_(pokemon) -> matis_(pokemon)
remove alias lt_surge_(pokemon) -> matis_(pokemon)
remove alias koga_(pokemon) -> kyou_(pokemon)
remove alias janine_(pokemon) -> anzu_(pokemon)
remove alias sabrina_(pokemon) -> natsume_(pokemon)
remove alias blaine_(pokemon) -> katsura_(pokemon)
remove alias falkner_(pokemon) -> hayato_(pokemon)
remove alias bugsy_(pokemon) -> tsukushi_(pokemon)
remove alias whitney_(pokemon) -> akane_(pokemon)
remove alias morty_(pokemon) -> matsuba_(pokemon)
remove alias chuck_(pokemon) -> shijima_(pokemon)
remove alias jasmine_(pokemon) -> mikan_(pokemon)
remove alias pryce_(pokemon) -> yanagi_(pokemon)
remove alias clair_(pokemon) -> ibuki_(pokemon)
remove alias roxanne_(pokemon) -> tsutsuji_(pokemon)
remove alias flannery_(pokemon) -> asuna_(pokemon)
remove alias flannery -> asuna_(pokemon)
remove alias norman_(pokemon) -> senri_(pokemon)
remove alias winona_(pokemon) -> nagi_(pokemon)
remove alias tate_(pokemon) -> fuu_(pokemon)
remove alias liza_(pokemon) -> ran_(pokemon)
remove alias wallace_(pokemon) -> mikuri_(pokemon)
remove alias gardenia_(pokemon) -> natane_(pokemon)
remove alias maylene_(pokemon) -> sumomo_(pokemon)
remove alias candice_(pokemon) -> suzuna_(pokemon)
remove alias cilan_(pokemon) -> dent_(pokemon)
remove alias cress_(pokemon) -> corn_(pokemon)
remove alias lenora_(pokemon) -> aloe_(pokemon)
remove alias elesa_(pokemon) -> kamitsure_(pokemon)
remove alias skyla_(pokemon) -> fuuro_(pokemon)
remove alias brycen_(pokemon) -> hachiku_(pokemon)
remove alias drayden_(pokemon) -> shaga_(pokemon)
remove alias roxie_(pokemon) -> homika_(pokemon)
remove alias grant_(pokemon) -> zakuro_(pokemon)
remove alias korrina_(pokemon) -> koruni_(pokemon)
remove alias korinna_(pokemon) -> koruni_(pokemon)
remove alias clemont_(pokemon) -> citron_(pokemon)
remove alias valerie_(pokemon) -> mache_(pokemon)
remove alias olympia_(pokemon) -> gojika_(pokemon)
remove alias lana_(pokemon) -> suiren_(pokemon)
remove alias kiawe_(pokemon) -> kaki_(pokemon)
remove alias mallow_(pokemon) -> mao_(pokemon)
remove alias olivia_(pokemon) -> lychee_(pokemon)
remove alias sophocles_(pokemon) -> mamane_(pokemon)
remove alias mina_(pokemon) -> matsurika_(pokemon)
remove alias milo_(pokemon) -> yarrow_(pokemon)
remove alias nessa_(pokemon) -> rurina_(pokemon)
remove alias bea_(pokemon) -> saitou_(pokemon)
remove alias allister_(pokemon) -> onion_(pokemon)
remove alias opal_(pokemon) -> poplar_(pokemon)
remove alias gordie_(pokemon) -> makuwa_(pokemon)
remove alias melony_(pokemon) -> melon_(pokemon)
remove alias raihan_(pokemon) -> kibana_(pokemon)
remove alias lorelei_(pokemon) -> kanna_(pokemon)
remove alias karen_(pokemon) -> karin_(pokemon)
remove alias phoebe_(pokemon) -> fuyou_(pokemon)
remove alias glacia_(pokemon) -> prim_(pokemon)
remove alias flint_(pokemon) -> ooba_(pokemon)
remove alias shauntal_(pokemon) -> shikimi_(pokemon)
remove alias grimsley_(pokemon) -> giima_(pokemon)
remove alias caitlin_(pokemon) -> cattleya_(pokemon)
remove alias drasna_(pokemon) -> dracaena_(pokemon)
remove alias daigo_(pokemon) -> tsuwabuki_daigo
remove alias steven_stone -> tsuwabuki_daigo
remove alias steven_(pokemon) -> tsuwabuki_daigo
remove alias cynthia_(pokemon) -> shirona_(pokemon)
remove alias alder_(pokemon) -> adeku_(pokemon)
remove alias diantha_(pokemon) -> carnet_(pokemon)
remove alias leon_(pokemon_swsh) -> dande_(pokemon)
remove alias lucy_(pokemon) -> azami_(pokemon)
remove alias anabel_(pokemon) -> lila_(pokemon)
remove alias neziki_(pokemon) -> nejiki_(pokemon)
remove alias ingo_(pokemon) -> nobori_(pokemon)
remove alias emmet_(pokemon) -> kudari_(pokemon)
remove alias oak_(pokemon) -> ookido_yukinari
remove alias professor_oak -> ookido_yukinari
remove alias samuel_oak -> ookido_yukinari
remove alias prof._oak -> ookido_yukinari
remove alias prof_oak -> ookido_yukinari
remove alias yukinari_(pokemon) -> ookido_yukinari
remove alias prof_elm -> utsugi_(pokemon)
remove alias elm_(pokemon) -> utsugi_(pokemon)
remove alias professor_elm -> utsugi_(pokemon)
remove alias prof._elm -> utsugi_(pokemon)
remove alias professor_juniper -> araragi_(pokemon)
remove alias prof_juniper -> araragi_(pokemon)
remove alias aurea_juniper -> araragi_(pokemon)
remove alias juniper_(pokemon) -> araragi_(pokemon)
remove alias prof._juniper -> araragi_(pokemon)
remove alias bill_(pokemon) -> sonezaki_masaki
remove alias masaki_(pokemon) -> sonezaki_masaki
remove alias eusine_(pokemon) -> minaki_(pokemon)
remove alias cheryl_(pokemon) -> momi_(pokemon)
remove alias mira_(pokemon) -> miru_(pokemon)
remove alias marley_(pokemon) -> mai_(pokemon)
remove alias fennel_(pokemon) -> makomo_(pokemon)
remove alias lisia_(pokemon) -> lucia_(pokemon)
remove alias ash_ketchum -> satoshi_(pokemon)
remove alias ash_(pokemon) -> satoshi_(pokemon)
remove alias james_(pokemon) -> kojirou_(pokemon)
remove alias delia_(pokemon) -> hanako_(pokemon)
remove alias mrs._ketchum -> hanako_(pokemon)
remove alias mrs_ketchum -> hanako_(pokemon)
remove alias delia_ketchum -> hanako_(pokemon)
remove alias junsa_(pokemon) -> junsaa_(pokemon)
remove alias jenny_(pokemon) -> junsaa_(pokemon)
remove alias officer_jenny -> junsaa_(pokemon)
remove alias pokemon_conquest -> pokemon_+_nobunaga_no_yabou
remove implication pokemon_special -> pokemon
remove alias /pkspe -> pokemon_special
remove alias pokemon_adventures -> pokemon_special
remove alias pocket_monsters_special -> pokemon_special
remove alias dengeki_pikachu -> dengeki!_pikachu
remove alias pokemon_the_electric_tale_of_pikachu -> dengeki!_pikachu
remove alias electric_tale_of_pikachu -> dengeki!_pikachu
remove alias pokemon:_the_electric_tale_of_pikachu -> dengeki!_pikachu
remove alias the_electric_tale_of_pikachu -> dengeki!_pikachu

Part 1 of Pokemon BUR; Unaliasing/Unimplicating

EDIT: The bulk update request #3126 (forum #170312) has been approved by @evazion.

Updated by evazion

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