post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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To some extent it was a welcome rest --- instead of daily going through, at the minimum when it should be the maximum for comfort and enjoyment of the site, 24 pages @ x 40 images.

The most important thing is that with servers crap happens sooner or late, so things like this can be shrugged off, whilst remaining very grateful to Albert.

Laethiel said:

Enter is activating auto-complete, tested in both Firefox and Chrome. This is pretty awful, as, e.g., typing width:>3000 [Enter] just changes the search box contents to band-width instead of actually searching.

Created issue #3544.

Although it doesn't change the new Enter functionality which was altered by issue #3538, it does make it so that when one of the non-autocomplete tags are used (e.g. width, height, etc.), it instead clears the results so that Enter in that case should behave as expected.

Claverhouse said:

To some extent it was a welcome rest --- instead of daily going through, at the minimum when it should be the maximum for comfort and enjoyment of the site, 24 pages @ x 40 images.

However the uploaders have now made up for it by shoving it up like demented monkeys on crack: 19 pages @ 40 images in 7 hours instead of as might be expected 7 - 9 pages.

It makes using this site a bloody grinding experience instead of a pleasure: the human mind is not designed to visualise more than a certain number of images in a given time, and it's a waste to accumulate 300,000 images if there's no time to appreciate each art.

Quotas, one word, quotas.

Another annoyance with Enter activating autocomplete: if you type an entire tag, e.g. long_hair, and hit Enter, Enter just accepts the autocomplete (and adds a space) instead of performing the search.

This gets even worse with some tags: type abs and hit Enter, and instead of searching for abs, you now have absurdres in the search box.

DeusExCalamus said:

everything should be back to normal soon, according to danboorubot on twitter, it might've been a dead hard drive.

Guess this shows how long the service has been running already?

Anyway, thanks for all the work and supoort, Albert.