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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Squishy said:

Cannot post appeals for this image:

Console lists this

POST XHR [HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error]

Same issue arises in vanilla Chrome or vanilla Firefox.

Zero issues with appealing a different post just now so I don't think the problem is on my end.

That may be because Sonohara is still down. Try it from the Hijiribe domain.

Squishy said:

Thanks I'll give that a try.


Still no good, same issue.

POST XHR [HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error 886ms]

I think the appeal function doesn't like paragraphs or sentences.

Using "Test" worked, but the below would generate the error:

High quality illustration: Excellent colouring, shading, highlights, clean lines, great textures and detailing. Looks good as artist's usual works, which demonstrate competent understanding of the human body. Overall anatomy is fine despite the exaggerated proportions due foreshortening. This can be forgiven due to the focus of the image being a close-up PoV from the bottom. In short, merits far outweigh the one issue, please reconsider keeping.


String length doesn't seem to be an issue, as I was able to test it out on my own Danbooru instance using the above string without issue, even as a Member-level user.

It'd help if you can get more info from the developers console (F12). Under the network tab, it should show the full results for the appeal request.

^The above is an example I worked out on Chrome. I circled all of he pertinent areas that need to be selected to show the results of the appeal request.

It's not the only thing that's going missing.

I'm currently looking through and saving minamoto_no_raikou_(fate/grand_order) images, and I've stumbled upon a few images where the sample image is showing just fine, however once I select to view original, then the image doesn't show. Upon going to a direct link of the image(s), I receive a message stating That page does not exist.

Funny enough, upon leaving an image alone for some time, going back and testing it out again, it works fine. Although I've only tested this on one such image.