Zelinkokitsune said:
Searched "northern_ocean_hime seaport_hime" get no page mobility and I know it's got a LOT of art. So I kludge together a view page 10 of search results and it resolves to showing page 10 of results with the ability to go back to page 9 then back to page 8 all the way back to the front but not able to go forwards
It seems to be on all two tag searches now.
Worked out fine yesterday so not sure what broke today
Edit: Screenshot
Edit: Searching for "northern_ocean_hime" or any single tag gives proper behavior
Actually, I think Zelinkokitsune might be on to something here. I managed to replicate the same behavior on my builder account with this search and the deleted post filter on:
original -tag2 -tag3 -tag4 -tag5 -tag6 -tag7 -tag8 -tag9 -tag10 -tag11 -tag12
The paginator shows no page numbers, arrows to go forward aren’t linkified. Adding &page=2
to the URL shows the next page, which has working arrows to go backward but not forward.
Replacing original with any other existing tag shows exactly the same behavior, be it a big tag like touhou or a small tag like magic_school_uniform.
Note that all eleven excluded tags don’t even exist, so the extra load on the database should be pretty much zero.
The search for original shows the paginator as expected and so does a search for original -tag2 -tag3 -tag4 -tag5 -tag6 -tag7 -tag8 -tag9 -tag10 -tag11 (just one nonexistent tag less).
As a builder, my database timeout should be 9 seconds, but the page only takes about two seconds to load, so I’m suspecting that this is a different problem, especially because the “forward” arrows don’t work, even though they should be even if the paginator query times out.
Switching the deleted post filter off fixes the searches with eleven excluded tags.
Any ideas? As a wild guess, I’d say it might be counting the deleted post filter as a 13th tag for some reason and then not running the query at all because it’s above the limit, but only for the paginator for some reason?
Could someone with a Gold account run this search with the deleted post filter on and off and report whether it works?
original -tag2 -tag3 -tag4 -tag5 -tag6