post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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90sAnimeFan said:

I foolishly uploaded a picture without checking to see if there was a better quality one, and now it seems I can't change/update the image even though I changed the source? post #2949103

You can't change the image by changing the source. That's just metadata. Images must be replaced instead, which only certain users can do.

Therefore, to change the image, request it be replaced in topic #14156. Include the post # and a link to the better quality version.

Oh wow, I've been procrastinating a good while on making a thread about those useless Saved Searches... By now they're just an irritant. And I have no idea how to delete them.



And I only got them by inadvertently pressing the convert from tag subscriptions when they were transitioning from the latter, and which I had to manually restore to that excellent system. Not that it exists anymore.

You can delete your saved searches by going here and clicking "delete" next to "edit".

Fhtagn said:

Am I the only one who can't delete my own saved searches?

I can edit them just fine, but I can't seem to delete them.

Does any error show up if you click on "delete"? Can you post an example of a saved search that you can't delete?

Thanks, however that has a dispiriting list of around 100 searches each of which will need clicking, then a return to the page to click the next one, etc. etc.. It will take a long time of utter boredom.

Isn't there a way to DBAN them all ?

Claverhouse said:

Thanks, however that has a dispiriting list of around 100 searches each of which will need clicking, then a return to the page to click the next one, etc. etc.. It will take a long time of utter boredom.

Isn't there a way to DBAN them all ?

The page doesn't reload when you delete them. It's removed via Javascript. There's very little delay.

Also, there's not much of a use case for deleting all saved searches. Just do it once and be done with it.

got a problem in adding entries in wiki's other names field which i suspect a recent change. compare


the pixiv search from 9 months ago returns 17 posts. the recent (i'm guilty!) one has two posts only. somehow the program interpret these two entries as the same. i think it has something to do with unicode/fullwidth characters. even after i revert, only the two posts' other name is interpreted.

See issue #3266. Tags are normalized because sometimes translated tags wouldn't find matches due to fullwidth/halfwidth differences. A tag like 赤城(艦これ), which is the tag for Akagi on NicoSeiga, wouldn't match 赤城(艦これ), which is the name listed in our wiki entry.

It looks like Pixiv doesn't normalize to ~, so もののふ~白百合戦舞姫~ and もののふ~白百合戦舞姫~ are two separate tags. I don't know if much can be done here. Normalization is important because without it even visually identical strings, "Pokémon" versus "Pokémon" for example, can compare unequal (yes, those are two different strings).

nonamethanks said:

Does any error show up if you click on "delete"? Can you post an example of a saved search that you can't delete?

Never mind. Solved it.

Turns out the problem was with Tor browser, for some reason. I switched to Firefox, and finally I could delete them.

In my defense, I did set the security settings to low (and thus allows javascript) and it still didn't work.

evazion said:

See issue #3266. Tags are normalized because sometimes translated tags wouldn't find matches due to fullwidth/halfwidth differences. A tag like 赤城(艦これ), which is the tag for Akagi on NicoSeiga, wouldn't match 赤城(艦これ), which is the name listed in our wiki entry.

It looks like Pixiv doesn't normalize to ~, so もののふ~白百合戦舞姫~ and もののふ~白百合戦舞姫~ are two separate tags. I don't know if much can be done here. Normalization is important because without it even visually identical strings, "Pokémon" versus "Pokémon" for example, can compare unequal (yes, those are two different strings).

welp, can do nothing about it i guess. i feel bad messing 17 posts to 2; but it doesn't seem practical to change thousands of posts just for this instance...

Site update

  • Added typo autocorrection during tag autocompletion (issue #3406):
    • Example: type "miku_hatsune" and autocomplete will suggest hatsune_miku.
    • This only kicks in when you type something that doesn't match any existing tag. Autocomplete is otherwise unchanged.
    • The suggestions it gives could be improved. Please report cases where it gives poor results (e.g. "I typed head chain looking for forehead chain but got on head instead").
  • Added warnings about common mistakes made when uploading or editing posts (issue #3352):
    • Warn when new general tags are created. Most often than not, new general tags are typos.
    • Warn when an upload isn't tagged with a copyright or copyright request.
    • Warn when an upload is from a known source (Pixiv, Twitter, Tumblr, etc) but doesn't have an artist tag.
    • Warn when an artist tag is created without an artist entry.
    • Warn when a tag could not be removed because it is implied by another tag.
  • Autocomplete is faster.

(issue #3409).

  • Fixed a bug with the "has children" border not being cleared when a child post was deleted with the "Move favorites" option checked (issue #3419).
  • Fixed a bug with comments saying they were updated by the commenter, not the mod, when they were deleted by a mod (issue #3417).
  • Fixed a bug with being unable to create new wiki pages when you had the "safe mode" or "deleted post filter" options turned on (issue #3410).
  • Fixed the upload page not allowing the upload when a post was tagged with `rating:S` instead of `rating:s`.
  • Fixed IQDB similarity percentages ("98%", not "%98").
  • Fixed forum search to show "(deleted)" next to deleted topics (issue #3398).

My bad everyone. I was away for a few weeks and didn't have access to emails. All the pending PRs were merged and have been deployed.

I know there is a backlog of tag changes. If you feel a request has been neglected for awhile, you can @ me and I will try to resolve it one way or another.

kuuderes_shadow said:

It works fine on Microsoft Edge, but on Google Chrome it shows what appears to be post #603187 with a chunk cut off at the bottom.

I was experiencing a similar problem yesterday when a thumbnail wasn't showing up for Danbooru, but was for Hijiribe and Sonohara. However, I rechecked this morning and it's okay. Maybe it's an issue with Cloud Flare caching images?

Benit149 said:

Similar Search is on the fritz again, with the same issue I mentioned in forum #139464

The latest posts are fine, it's just a subset that are missing. See issue #3386 for all of the posts I found with this problem.


Also, if you know of any posts that I missed, please post about them here.


Recently i always got this

PG::QueryCanceled exception raised
ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
app/logical/post_sets/post.rb:135:in `posts'
app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:14:in `index'