post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Recently i always got this

PG::QueryCanceled exception raised
ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout

1) What search were you trying to do? 2) Do you have the "safe mode" or "deleted post filter" account options turned on?

evazion said:

1) What search were you trying to do? 2) Do you have the "safe mode" or "deleted post filter" account options turned on?

1) order:comment kancolle and azur lane
2) safe mode off, deleted post filter off

Getting this error when I try to upload an image from twitter using the bookmarklet
NoMethodError exception raised
undefined method `first' for nil:NilClass
app/logical/sources/strategies/twitter.rb:30:in `get'
app/logical/downloads/rewrite_strategies/twitter.rb:33:in `source'
app/logical/downloads/rewrite_strategies/twitter.rb:12:in `rewrite'
app/logical/downloads/file.rb:49:in `block in before_download'
app/logical/downloads/file.rb:48:in `each'
app/logical/downloads/file.rb:48:in `before_download'
app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb:10:in `new' is the image in question

kudus said:

1) order:comment kancolle and azur lane
2) safe mode off, deleted post filter off

Try kantai_collection order:comment_bumped and azur_lane order:comment_bumped. order:comment_bumped is faster than order:comment and it excludes comments from bots.

DeusExCalamus said: is the image in question is just a reply by some guy. The actual image is

I don't know if it's only for me happening but when using the bookmarklet on any image on NicoSeiga, the page loads indefinitely and doesn'T go to the upload page. Eventually, I get a Failbooru.

Chiera said:

I don't know if it's only for me happening but when using the bookmarklet on any image on NicoSeiga, the page loads indefinitely and doesn'T go to the upload page. Eventually, I get a Failbooru.

Me too, just second ago cannot upload from seiga

Edit: i still can upload from seiga but fetch source data doesnt work


BrokenEagle98 said:

The following custom CSS code fixes that. It's actually a portion of the mobile layout CSS I developed in topic #14077.

header#top menu form input {
    width: 90vw;

Thanks. Another thing that bugges me is that into mobile mode there isn't a way to skip pages or go to the last/first page of a forum topic for example. But it's the same for anything that has multiple pages.
Why has that been removed? It was useful.

DanmakuShooter said:

Thanks. Another thing that bugges me is that into mobile mode there isn't a way to skip pages or go to the last/first page of a forum topic for example. But it's the same for anything that has multiple pages.
Why has that been removed? It was useful.

If I were to guess, I'd say preservation of screen real estate. There's not a whole lot of screen width in portrait orientation.

evazion said:

Site update

  • Added typo autocorrection during tag autocompletion (issue #3406):
    • Example: type "miku_hatsune" and autocomplete will suggest hatsune_miku.
    • This only kicks in when you type something that doesn't match any existing tag. Autocomplete is otherwise unchanged.
    • The suggestions it gives could be improved. Please report cases where it gives poor results (e.g. "I typed head chain looking for forehead chain but got on head instead").

Can this be changed so that sticking copy: or char: etc. at the start is ignored?

I noticed when typing copy:tensei the top results are:
mushoku tensei
copy x
edo tensei
comic mugen tensei

when there are 13 tags beginning with "tensei" (probably 14 by the time you read this), of which 11 (12) are copyright ones (none of which appear in the dropdown at all, although both the non-copyright ones do) which the person might actually be attempting to enter. Tensei shitara slime datta ken is the top result by the time you reach "tensei_" but when doing copy: at the start it doesn't even appear on the dropdown until "copy:tensei_shita" and doesn't get above shin megami tensei until you reach "copy:tensei_shitara_sl"

kuuderes_shadow said:

Can this be changed so that sticking copy: or char: etc. at the start is ignored?

I noticed when typing copy:tensei the top results are:
mushoku tensei
copy x
edo tensei
comic mugen tensei

when there are 13 tags beginning with "tensei" (probably 14 by the time you read this), of which 11 (12) are copyright ones (none of which appear in the dropdown at all, although both the non-copyright ones do) which the person might actually be attempting to enter. Tensei shitara slime datta ken is the top result by the time you reach "tensei_" but when doing copy: at the start it doesn't even appear on the dropdown until "copy:tensei_shita" and doesn't get above shin megami tensei until you reach "copy:tensei_shitara_sl"

Try using copyright instead of the shorthand version for now. I have verified that the full form does work. Regardless, I'll submit an issue for the above.


Created issue #3455.

Site update (2017-12-14 - 2017-12-21)

  • Autoban dmail spambots after they send spam to enough users (issue #3408). DanbooruBot was promoted to Mod to facilitate this.
  • The "enable desktop mode" option was renamed to "disable responsive mode" and made an account setting.
  • Embedded notes were reenabled.
  • Added an option to make selected favgroups public when using the "enable privacy mode" setting (which normally hides all favgroups) (issue #3436).
  • Using related tags on copyright tags now includes tags from list of * character pages (issue #3434).
  • The /post_replacements listing now records how the file's md5, size, and resolution changed (issue #3324). Note that this data is missing for old replacements and needs to be backfilled.
  • User feedbacks show when they have been edited.
  • Fixed several loopholes that made it possible to view other users' private favorites and favgroups (issue #3429).
  • Fixed implications not being applied to automatic tags and *_(cosplay) tags (issue #3440).
  • Fixed the artist finder returning bogus results for many sites (issue #3429).
  • Fixed the artist finder not working for Twitter URLs containing uppercase letters (issue #3422).
  • Fixed the bookmarklet not working for URLs (note the i) (issue #3424).
  • Fixed the new tag creation warning not showing when repopulating empty chartags (issue #3444).
  • Fixed the post count not being shown when creating new wikis (issue #3410).


Site update (2017-12-21 - 2017-12-28)

  • Added a warning when an upload has less than 10 general tags (issue #1563).
  • Lowered the limit for changing tag categories. Previously builders could change tags having up to 10,000 posts; now the limit is 1,000 posts (issue #3448).
  • Fixed autocomplete not working on /wiki_page_versions (issue #3449).
  • Fixed autocomplete not working for copy:tensei (issue #3455).
  • Fixed the new tag creation warning showing up when adding tags with a post count of 1 (issue #3446).
  • Fixed aliased tags showing up under translated tags (issue #3450).
  • Fixed a loophole that allowed bypassing the normal restrictions on changing tag categories by changing the category at /tags/1234/edit (issue #3448).
  • Fixed the artist finder returning bogus results for ArtStation when the artist didn't exist (issue #3459).
  • Fixed some inaccurate statements in the modqueue guidelines (issue #3461).
  • Fixed a timeout when uploading from NicoSeiga (issue #3457).
  • Fixed a restriction against users registering multiple accounts under the same IP not working (issue #3464). Also fixed a restriction against creating new accounts while IP banned not working.
  • Possibly fixed a common "statement timeout in update_last_ip_addr" error (issue #3460).


albert said:

First off, I want to apologize for neglecting the forum during the migration. I wanted to focus on getting all the critical bugs fixed.

I think we're now at the point where things have stabilized. The issues with uploads earlier were server/database related and were not caused by code bugs, and I've set up some monitoring tools to make sure I get alerted when start failing. I've been keeping a close eye on Github to keep track of issues. I also want to thank everyone who took the initiative to sign up and submit issues. You've all proven invaluable in me getting the site up and running smoothly.

That being said, I'm sure people still have some issues they want me to hear about and I'm now at a point where I can start listening. I just have one request: I want to focus on two things: (1) bugs and (2) inconsistencies with the old Danbooru. Please save any major enhancements or suggestions for the future. I'll get to those in due time.

Even if you don't have a Github account I encourage you to visit the issue list to see if there's anything that stands out, whether you strongly agree or disagree with an issue.

Im getting the nobody here but us chickens treatment when searching multiple tags, please fix

When an image from a new artist was uploaded, and the creator doesn't aware of the way to create new tag, the creator of the tag might simply create the artist name as a general tag. Afterward, when someone correct it by adding the prefix artist: in front of the artist name tag, upon saving, the danbooru would display an error saying "Unable to delete artist_name. Please check for implications." which I think this error shouldn't occur as the tag is still intended to be there.

c933103 said:

When an image from a new artist was uploaded, and the creator doesn't aware of the way to create new tag, the creator of the tag might simply create the artist name as a general tag. Afterward, when someone correct it by adding the prefix artist: in front of the artist name tag, upon saving, the danbooru would display an error saying "Unable to delete artist_name. Please check for implications." which I think this error shouldn't occur as the tag is still intended to be there.

What tags were you trying to use? The above error should only occur if an implication relation exists. In other words, there should be an implication ??? -> artist_name. I can't really say more than that without knowing what post you were trying to change, and what tags you were trying to change.