
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

NWF_Renim said:

No idea if there is a specific tag for that, but looking it up that would be a "rice transplanter" (wikipedia link).

A general "farm_vehicle", "farm_machinery", or "agricultural_machinery" tag would probably be worthwhile as a catchall for such types of machines/vehicles.

i'd go for farm_vehicle. Agricultural machinery looks so large as a tag.
post #2324046
Is bulge enough or should this also get the penis tag? Probably not (see: cameltoe and pussy), but since both wikis don't say anything, I thought it's better to ask.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Provence said:

Can I use hakama_skirt for this here?
post #2325673

It looks like a regular hakama, not hakama_skirt.

BrokenEagle98 said:

Going by the second definition on the wiki, and a lot of the posts under that tag, I'd say yes, although all of the examples I saw were of females, so I'm not entirely sure if it also applies to males.

That second definition is kind of weird. It's way too broad and can even include traditional hakama, as far as I can see.

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