post #9000000 GET!

Post upload limits

Posted under General

Sacriven said:

Is there any set date where this "120 days" period starts?

120 days ago from today is June 19th. Tomorrow it will be June 20th, and so on, and so forth.

Sacriven said:

I see. I felt relieved that my work for the last 1-2 months didn't go into vain.
So it means, after the next 30 days period, my multiplier will went up again?

IF you continue to upload like you have over this past month, then it will go up.

Toks said:

It's calculated on the fly so it's always up to date. The upload limit on your profile is correct.

BrokenEagle98 said:

120 days ago from today is June 19th. Tomorrow it will be June 20th, and so on, and so forth.

Uhhh, I don't quite understand. I thought the period is already set on a date in a month. Can you explain it in a more easy way to understand?
I got confused because of this:

Toks said:

It takes into account only your uploads from the last 120 days. Uploads older than 120 days are ignored. It will increase to 1.00 when none of your uploads from the past 120 days are deleted, so you should try to upload posts that won't get deleted and it will gradually increase.

if there is no set date for 120 days period, doesn't that mean for every posts that I uploaded, each posts will have their own 120 days period, and earlier posts will be ignored by said posts? Like, overlapping?
My head hurts.

IF you continue to upload like you have over this past month, then it will go up.

Basically, the reason of my multiplier is still at 0,51 because all of my deletion chance reduction are used to "pay" the high deletion chance on June-July period?

If I understand and can rephrase it right, if the server tracks all your uploads back 120 days from the present moment in time, and puts deletions against the equation, then as soon as the deleted upload is over 120 days from the present moment, it has no effect because it's not going to get counted anymore. This continues as each deletion goes past that mark, it disappears from the equation till there are none and your record is clean.

BE mentioned june 19th as the current mark for this exact day, so given a month, if most of your deletions were between june and july 19, then as the next 4 weeks goes past they'll stop affecting you. Then that's when you should have more allowed uploads.


Toks said: = 2932 total uploads = 530 deleted uploads
ci_lower_bound(530, 2932) = 16.725533141519282 deletion confidence

Having 15 or higher deletion confidence means your upload limit is 0. Which then gets capped to 10.

So, my deletion % over the past months has been 16-19%, but dropped to 8% in the past month.


buehbueh said:

If I understand and can rephrase it right, if the server tracks all your uploads back 120 days from the present moment in time, and puts deletions against the equation, then as soon as the deleted upload is over 120 days from the present moment, it has no effect because it's not going to get counted anymore. This continues as each deletion goes past that mark, it disappears from the equation till there are none and your record is clean.

BE mentioned june 19th as the current mark for this exact day, so given a month, if most of your deletions were between june and july 19, then as the next 4 weeks goes past they'll stop affecting you. Then that's when you should have more allowed uploads.

I understand. Thanks!

Kikimaru said:

So, my deletion % over the past months has been 16-19%, but dropped to 8% in the past month.


Good for you.

SciFi said:

Since it's over recent months it can be lowered simply by posting less. Which is probably what's happened.

Might be a knock-on effect of me (and everyone else) posting less, meaning smaller queues for the mods; might be that my posts are "higher quality".

tapnek said:

Well, you're kind of forced to post more higher quality stuff because of the ten post limit you're under.

Arguably, some of us that are subject to limits are not the ones in need of being forced to "post higher quality". But I haven't used the data because don't want to witch hunt the applicable users.

Considering that it isn't 0, I'd say you're doing better than during the old system. Other than that, the higher it is the better you're doing, so if the fluctuation interval stays the same, that probably means you're doing just as well

I don't know how often the values are updated (I'm guessing once a day). Since it's a 60-day period that's being used to calculate the deletion confidence, that means that it's counting from September 5th until today. The new upload formula went into effect on September 21st. That means that uploads from during the era of the old upload formula are still affecting your current upload limit. Just looking at one of those days, you posted as many as 132 posts (, which is almost 15% of your 901 posts during the last 60-day time period ( Therefore, there's probably going to continue to be fluctuations until the 60-day period starts from when the new formula went into effect, which will be around November 20th. I think that after that date, you should see the fluctuations go away.

I have a question about something that is regarding the cool down you have after an image is approved.
Right now, one has to wait 24 hours to get an upload slot back even if all images are approved.

Since I see no harm for Danbooru, I wanted to suggest that yu get an image slot back when one image is approved.
There is the caveat with flagging this approved post, but I don't think that it should matter because an image can get re-approved pretty fast and you have already gained the trust by at least one approver for the upload. Flagging is also extremely rare nowadays, much less on approved posts. So there is this point as counter, but I really don't think it puts any harm on Danbooru.

The other advantage would be that good uploaders can help Danbooru to get faster a larger Database and don't have to wait 24 hours to upload their next batches when they are already approved.

So the upload limit would still be capped to at least 50, but good uploading would get rewarded better. So it wouldn't be broken, like the old system was.

Given that any uploader who isn't totally incompetent will usually see the majority of their uploads approved within 24 hours, this would have the effect of vastly increasing the number of uploads that a person could do in that period. This applies to people whose upload limits have been reduced to the absolute minimum as well as those who see almost all their uploads getting approved.

kuuderes_shadow said:

Given that any uploader who isn't totally incompetent will usually see the majority of their uploads approved within 24 hours, this would have the effect of vastly increasing the number of uploads that a person could do in that period. This applies to people whose upload limits have been reduced to the absolute minimum as well as those who see almost all their uploads getting approved.

You have just explained the desired effect, probably better than I :P.
So...your point is? Because I don't see harm.

Because it would effectively roughly double the upload limit for someone with a 1 in 3 deletion rate, and allow someone with a 10-15% deletion rate (which is pretty darn high) to upload hundreds of pictures a day. Is that really what we want?

I've nothing against the idea of a system to enable prolific uploaders of quality content that almost invariably gets approved to upload more images a day even if they haven't been given unlimited upload permissions, but if this were to happen I would have thought a way of increasing the limit for these people would be far better at attaining the desired effect.

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