Solarchos said:
Which event? I don't think I've reached that far into the game.
Scherzo of Iron and Blood. To be more specific the relationship between Bismarck and U-556. Based on real history, U-556 swore an oath to protect Bismarck whenever and wherever she could, complete with it being presented to Bisamarck as a signed oath.
Here's the direct qoute from the story:
"I, U-556, hereby declare before Neptune, Lord over oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, brooks, ponds, and rivulets,
that I will provide any desired assistance to my ally and Lord, battleship Bismarck,
at any place on the water, under water, on land, or in the air.
Signed: U-556, Parzival of The Seas
At the bottom, U-556 had made a drawing of herself towing her Lord Bismarck back to port."
Combined with the picture serving as the background when the oath was quoted it was...kinda heart-breaking, you know