Surprisingly Kadoc-senpai wasn't the one being jealous of us when Ana gave us her choco, but rather it was Ana being pissed off that she happily gave her choco to us instead of Kadoc.
Now there's several things I wanna say but let's just put it at that.
Interesting to know if Kaneko drew this one or if it is a copycat. While the demons are obviously done by someone else, looking closer to how they look in Dx2, Raidou himself is harder to say.
Some guessing Doi is mimicking Kaneko style, but no confirmation seen yet.
Strictly speaking the only reason I tagged kuma here is because one of the links in her bio on here leads to hin the author of this novel which features this illustration, whether their one in the same, if Kuma did this artwork, I won't make that specific determination. It does fit her art style but I dunno.
Just an addendum for those curious. Kuma and Hin have worked together before which is why I say more likely than not she drew this.