The first series of the Pokémon anime and is based on the events of the core series Generation I and II Pokémon games, respectively. It was succeeded by Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire. It ran from April 1, 1997 to November 14, 2002 in Japan and from September 7, 1998 to October 25, 2003 in the United States.
During the original series, rookie Trainer Ash Ketchum begins his journey in the Kanto region, leaving his home of Pallet Town with the only first partner Pokémon that Professor Oak had left to give: a reluctant and moody Pikachu. Ash's quest begins in earnest to defeat all of the Gym Leaders and get to the Pokémon League as soon as he has gained Pikachu's trust, and he is joined by two mentors, Misty and Brock.
This tag implicates pokemon_(anime) (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: pokemon:_the_first_movie_-_mewtwo_strikes_back, pokemon_3:_the_movie_-_spell_of_the_unown:_entei, pokemon_4ever_-_celebi:_the_voice_of_the_forest, pokemon_heroes:_latios_&_latias, and pokemon_the_movie_2000:_the_power_of_one (learn more).