ash ketchum
サトシ(アニポケ) サトシ サトシ(トレーナー) サトゴウ サトリエ サトマオ サトセレ シゲサト サトシゲ サトヒカ
JP: サトシ
EN: Ash Ketchum
Pikachu, I choose you!
Lead character in the Pokémon anime from 1997 to 2023, based on Red, the player character in the first Pokémon games. Ash is a Pokémon Trainer who, over the course of 1,200+ weekly episodes, took on the challenge of each region that was depicted in the most recent main games at the time. He has had a number of travel partners and recurring rivals.
His name in Japanese is a reference to the Pokémon creator, Tajiri Satoshi.
Signature Pokémon: Pikachu.
Official art
Series variations
- ash_ketchum pokemon_(classic_anime)
- He wears a blue and white jacket with wing collar and gold trim worn open over a black t-shirt with jeans, sneakers, green fingerless gloves, and his white and red baseball cap with a green "L" on the front.
- ash_ketchum pokemon_rse_(anime)
- ash_ketchum pokemon_dppt_(anime)
- He wears this outfit: post #1179562, post #659965
- ash_ketchum pokemon_bw_(anime)
- ash_ketchum pokemon_xy_(anime)
- ash_ketchum pokemon_sm_(anime)
- ash_ketchum pokemon_journeys
Cross-dressing versions
- ashley
- Ash crossdressing as a blonde girl wearing an orange dress.
- ash_ketchum enmaided
- Ash crossdressing by wearing a maid costume.
- ashley (pokemon bw098)
- Ash crossdressing as a pink-haired girl wearing a blue dress.
- ash_ketchum pokemon_journeys winter_clothes
- A variation on his usual clothes worn when traveling to Sinnoh. The only modification is that instead of a vest, he wears a long-sleeved blue winter jacket, which he doesn't bother to close.
See also ash ketchum (cosplay) for other people dressed as Ash.
Ash's Pokémon
Joined in the original series (Kanto/Orange Islands)
- (Pichu →) Pikachu ↔ Gigantamax Pikachu
- Caterpie → Metapod → Butterfree
- Pidgeotto → Pidgeot
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander → Charmeleon → Charizard
- Squirtle (squirtle kamina_shades)
- Krabby → Kingler
- (Mankey →) Primeape
- Haunter (Temporary)
- Muk
- Tauros (x 30)
- Mr. Mime (Barri-chan/Mimey)
- Lapras
- Snorlax
Joined in the original series (Johto)
- Heracross
- Chikorita → Bayleef
- Cyndaquil → Quilava
- Totodile
- Noctowl (Shiny)
- Egg → Phanpy → Donphan
- Egg → Larvitar (Temporary)
Joined in Advanced Generation
Joined in Diamond & Pearl
- Starly → Staravia → Staraptor
- Turtwig → Grotle → Torterra
- Chimchar → Monferno → Infernape
- Buizel
- Gligar → Gliscor
- Gible
Joined in Best Wishes!/Best Wishes! Season 2
- Pidove → Tranquill → Unfezant (female)
- Oshawott
- Tepig → Pignite
- Snivy
- Egg → Scraggy
- Sewaddle → Swadloon → Leavanny
- Palpitoad
- Roggenrola → Boldore
- (Sandile →) Krokorok → Krookodile
Joined in XY/XY&Z
- Egg → Froakie → Frogadier → Greninja ↔ Ash-Greninja
- Fletchling → Fletchinder → Talonflame
- Hawlucha
- Goomy → Sliggoo → Goodra
- Egg → Noibat → Noivern
Joined in Sun & Moon
- Egg → Rowlet
- Rockruff → Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
- Litten → Torracat → Incineroar
- "Hoshigumo"/"Nebby" → Cosmoem → Solgaleo (temporary)
- Poipole → Naganadel
- Meltan → Melmetal
Active roster for Pocket Monsters
- (Dragonair →) Dragonite
- Gengar ↔ Gigantamax Gengar
- Egg → Riolu → Lucario ↔ Mega Lucario
- Galarian Farfetch'd → Sirfetch'd
- Dracovish
See also
- Red
- Liko, the protagonist of Pokémon Horizons
External links
The following tags are aliased to this tag: ash_(pokemon) and satoshi_(pokemon) (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: ashley_(pokemon) and ashley_(pokemon_bw098) (learn more).