A type of gun mechanism by which the shooter has to manually cycle the action to chamber a new round for each time they need to shoot, by directly moving the bolt via a bolt handle (also known as a cocking handle). The earliest example of bolt-action gun that is fielded by an military is the Prussian Dreyse needle gun
Most bolt action weapons are rifles. The Welrod is an example of a bolt action pistol.
Related tags
- AI Arctic Warfare
- Arisaka
- Blaser R93
- Cheytac M200
- Lee-enfield
- Mauser 98
- Mosin-Nagant
- Remington Model 700
- Remington MSR
- Welrod
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: bolt-action (learn more).
This tag implicates gun (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: ai_arctic_warfare, arisaka, blaser_r93, carcano, cheytac_m200, daewoo_k11, dsr-50, k31, lebel_model_1886, lee-enfield, m1903_springfield, m1917_enfield, mas-36, mauser_98, mcmillan_tac-50, mosin-nagant, p14_enfield, pgm_hecate_ii, ptrd-41, remington_model_700, remington_msr, sig_san_511, steyr_hs_.50, steyr_iws_2000, sv-98, and welrod (learn more).