Artist's commentary
Manannan mac Lir's legendary white steed, capable of running on both land and sea. Needless to say, he's also very good at pulling chariots when necessary. Manannan is the Celtic god of the sea, which is why some people believe this steed's color is meant to be the white of sea foam.
"Oh, you're talking about the horse I ride as a goddess, huh? Yes, he certainly is a Noble Phantasm-level concept. And yes, even as a mage, I was able to ride him. Sometimes, when you're chasing down seal designated mages, horses can go places cars and motorcycles can't.
That said...when most people think of a white horse, they probably imagine a prince riding in to sweep a princess off her feet. It's almost a little too romantic—or maybe I should say, juvenile or girlish? ...Oh, but I'm not making light of it. It's a little embarrassing to say this, but...I think, maybe, someday, I might meet a prince of my own...
Huh? What kind of prince am I looking for? Well, ideally, I'd like someone brave, learned, wise...a strong leader everybody likes, and who's also modest and humble without the slightest trace of pride or arrogance...
Hey, where are you going? Huh? You think all that's too much to ask for? Well, I don't! I'm sure he's out there somewhere! I just haven't met him yet!"