Artist's commentary
The Promise After 2,400 Years
This is the tale of a certain faerie.
"I've been ready and waiting. Let's get you all measured up."
After a great deal of training, and a long, long slumber, the faerie reunited with the bride she had awaited for nearly an eternity, and put on the very bravest face she could muster to hide her tears.
"You're done wearing that iron armor. I’m going to make you the best dress of all time."
For a blessed future—for her most cherished memories—the time to display her long-honed skills had finally come.
So passed the most wonderful time of the faerie's life. She had lost track of how many times she dreamed of this moment, and now her bride was finally wearing that dress before her very eyes. It was as if the dress itself were made of stars. The bride beamed. With those heartfelt words of gratitude, the faerie's long journey drew to a close.
By the way...
"...Yeah. Good morning, Mash. I’m real glad you said that."
Though there was still some time before the girl would fall asleep in the coffin of ice, the faerie wanted to be the very first person to greet her with that sentiment.