Artist's commentary
Inept Joy
"Clothes, houses, cooking...
I know that much. Yes, I do.
Even faeries can make those on their own.
But putting that much work into things you wear on your feet? No way.
I can't even. It drives me crazy.
They're your feet, you know? Your heels.
You decorate the most sensitive part however you like?
So bold! Gorgeous! Bewitching! Elegant!
I've heard that magic doesn't exist in Proper Human History anymore, but you don't know how good you've got it.
You'd never find so many magical shoes anywhere in Faerie Britain.
I like admiring, wearing, and decorating them, but my dream is really to design my own pair of shoes.
I'll practice and improve, little by little, until I'm a first-class creator.
How long do you think it'll take to make my ideal pair of shoes?
One year? Ten?
If I live that long, will you give me a pair to celebrate the occasion?"