Artist's commentary
Beyond the Rain Clouds
I come from an old and storied family of mages. I possess talent as well as a Jewel-ranked Mystic Eye. I carry the burden of my parents' expectation as well as a my family's cancerous ambition. Everything is ash-grey in my world.
What other than oppressive sadness could take root in those who were robbed of warmth, who have only ever experienced the crushing weight of expectation forced onto them? What choice do I have other than to let my head slump forward like a flower overflowing with rainwater?
Reaching for the intangible sky is pointless...at least that what I thought.
But I saw a hero who painted the sky with a beautiful rainbow. He swept disaster from the sky. He reached for something beyond even the stars with no more than his own strength.
If someone can push through the heavy rain clouds, a brighter world awaits. I learned people like that do exist, and they do it all with a smile on their faces.