Artist's commentary
The Palace of Luoyang
She accomplished something great.
A righteous nation. A righteous government.
Those who achieved greatness should be rewarded.
Under the guise of an accolade, she spent her later days in a splendid palace.
Decadence and love filled the palace walls.
The country had set itself on the correct path. Feeling safe, she indulged herself in her desires.
It was probably the first reward that was given to her, as she had endlessly and tirelessly worked so very hard.
But...the people who surrounded her...the people to whom she had offered so much love...were not all righteous.
A coup d'état occurred. Those she loved were killed, and she was expelled from the palace.
She realized...in astonishment...
There was a possibility...that the righteousness that she envisioned and the righteousness that the populace desired were different.
When...did that divide happen?
Or was it...right from the beginning?