Artist's commentary
True Difference Engine
The beginning of the 19th Century.
A young man, newly graduated from Cambridge University, was calculating the movements of the celestial bodies...
As he faced the huge number of calculations, he had a thought.
It is not just for celestial bodies.
In both government research agencies and private enterprise, nearly everything involving a large number of calculations in experiments or business requires dozens of people to handle the calculations.
What if all those countless calculations could be automated?
Then, he thought further.
It was possible.
A machine using a steam engine for power that could do complex, high-level calculations.
Its name was the Difference Engine.
Yes, mathematics was used in every academic discipline.
Therefore, as soon as this machine has been completed, mankind will achieve a shorter amount of time required in all fields.
Civilization will leap forward by centuries.
This was the story of a dream that no one could achieve.
In the end, his idea remained one step away from realization.
Even so, people say he was certainly one of the great geniuses, a cornerstone of civilization─
They call him, the Father of Computers.