Artist's commentary
Anonymous asked: hello delusional yuritshou (fem ritshou) person here asking your fem ritshou hcs… im obsessing over them rn lmao(/nf ofc)(i might be the other anon who talked about how much they loved your fem ritshou doodle page but i’m gonna be honest, i don’t remember)
hi there fellow delusional yuritshou person 🤝 thank you for this ask i’m always happy to talk about them, even tho i’m actually not sure what to reply JDSJD tbh i don’t have many hcs that are specifically yuri (they could work for regular ritshou) but here are some random thoughts i’ve had about them if that works for you:
ritsu is canonically popular with girls so fem ritsu obviously still is too. her fangirls give shou the stink eye
shou absolutely hates being called cute like she gets so annoyed if anyone does, but if it’s ritsu she forgets how to breath
this is a common ritshou trope i think but i like the idea of them sometimes sneaking out together, often at ungodly hours, and doing random stuff: one day they’d hang out at the park or take a walk in the city, other days they go exploring the woods or abandoned places etc etc. sometimes shou teaches ritsu how to use her powers during these outings and ritsu would get very obstinate when she can’t manage to do something. one day she tried so hard that she ended up fainting and shou had to carry her home (and def stared longingly at ritsu once she left her on her bed)
i’ve also been thinking about this sports au that i didn’t post here…DHFHGH basically their teams train in the same sports centre, they caught each other’s attention and try to impress the other when they notice they are looking (shou on purpose, ritsu unconsciously)
they’re both very competitive and have an ego, as they’d be one of the best players on their teams, if not the best. ritsu is used to people trying to approach her but she always acts disinterested, however that suzuki girl is being hard for her to ignore…
andd that’s all i can think of as of now sorry if i went a little insane but they won’t leave my brain </3 that said if anyone has any hcs for them PLEASE drop them in the comments or even send me an ask if you wanna do it anonymously i wanna hear other people’s thoughts as well!!