Artist's commentary
40 Our Friend Scorch
The Sobble went back the way they'd come and found a grove where there were berries to eat.
They hadn't had anything to eat since they arrived in town, and their tummies were all grumbling.
Just as they were starting to relax, a rustling came from the bushes!
The Sobble all rushed into the water, and Grookey braced himself for a fight.
"...Huh? Hey, aren't you those guys from the lake?"
It was Scorch the Scorbunny! Raggedy was so happy he leapt forward to hug him before anyone could even ask what was going on.
Scorch lived in the city, sure enough, but tonight he was out camping with his trainer.
He's been sent out to collect some ingredients for dinner and just happened to run into them all.
"My trainer's way over there doing some training with the other pokemon.
Now's the perfect time to sneak some curry while they're not looking♫"
Raggedy was surprised - he hadn't even mentioned why they'd come to town yet.
"You mean... You remember saying you'd treat us to some curry?"
Scorch laughed.
"Of course. I promised, didn't I? That's what friends are for."