Artist's commentary
Karindou 4 Koma Extra Story Pseudo Short Story [Ghostrick Live] 10
It was a floating feeling like she was floating on water.
She floated, surrounded by a peaceful feeling, like she was being drawn in a deep ocean, as she stretched her hands out into the darkness.
Still in a daze, she opened her eyes, and she saw a bare, dirty, crumbling, concrete ceiling.
How nostalgic.
She suddenly felt that about a ceiling that she should have no memory of.
But for some reason, she felt like she knew this ceiling, before it started crumbling.
As she thought about it, she snapped back to reality. And then,
"..It's an unknown ceiling."
She whispered, still lying down, and in order to fulfill her odd sense of duty and accomplishment, Ran got up and surveyed her surroundings.
(Where am... That's right, I...)
Her memories came flooding back, and she remembered that she had been kidnapped from the party site.
Inside the helicopter, paper-like things were placed on her arms and legs, and she couldn't move. They were probably something like the charms that Shizuki uses, and were probably things used to bind ghosts. She didn't know where she was, and there was that ghost that looked just like her younger self and forcibly sealed her turning physical at the party site. As that ghost stared deep into her, she felt a weird sensation the entire time, and since she was desperately struggling to escape, she didn't have any time to worry about where they were taking her. Even if she knew the location, Ran had no knowledge of the area, so in the end, she had no idea where she was.
She only knew that they had reached their destination from the vibrations from the helicopter as it landed. However, she couldn't escape from the shackles of the charms, and another charm was placed on her forehead, so she lost her memory. More than likely, even though she couldn't move, Ran would still try to resist, and that would be a bother, so they made her lose consciousness. And when she woke up, she was in this room.
The room seemed like a hospital room that had been abandoned a long time ago. In one corner, next to the pipe bed that Ran was sleeping on, there was a hurriedly constructed pipe chair with only one leg, and it really wasn't anything that could be called furniture. There wasn't anything like a window that she could see out of, and the only thing that connected the room to the outside was a knobless, rusted iron door. They wouldn't even let her know where she was.
Looking around the room, it seemed like there had been no traces of human activity here for a long time, and there were cracks in the wall and floor here are there. A rusted pipe and abandoned ventilation duct ran long the ceiling. The lack of anything living gave her a cold feeling in her heart. The only thing in this room, the bed with brand new sheets on it, was completely out of place and highlighted the difference.
A prickling feeling inside her head hurt.
It was just for a second, but the pain made one vision come to Ran's mind.
A flashback, or an illusion, she couldn't tell which it was, the vision was very sickening, and made her feel terrible.
Inside of a room, countless black masses were shaking.
The black mass was Ran. All of them. All of them were Ran, all of them weren't Ran.
With eyes devoid of a will, an empty smile, shaking with hatred without happiness, the anguish of endless pain, asking for forgiveness to escape this fear, while gazing at empty space, mixing in, separating, a weak existence that is only "there".
Myself watching this. Myself the black mass. Myself making a demonic face twisted with anger, staring at myselves who are being controlled by a single emotion.
With no where else to go, the anger filled Ran.
Voice. Voice.
Someone's voice. Voice.
Who's voice? The voice speaks.
I. Who? My voice.
It hurts It's painful
Forgive me I hate it Help me
I don't want to die Kill me Kill
I I'm breaking Voice I?
"Who... am I?"
Saying that brought Ran back to reality. She felt something rising from her stomach, and she brought both hands to her mouth to hold back her nausea.
(Calm down, calm down. I must be a little disoriented from the anxiety and stress of being kidnapped, and I'm just imagining some delusion I don't understand from the mental stress...)
As she brought her ragged breath back under control, Ran concluded that the cause of this was that this place looked like the basement that she was killed in. She scaredly began to check her own body.
Her body didn't even have a scratch on it, or any traces of being assaulted. She saw no traces of the dress she wore during the party being disturbed or taken off, and only a slight wrinkle from her sleeping in it. Her hair, which was styled by the maids, had gotten messed up while she was being taken, so it was undone, and had lost the silk-like feeling that her best friends had praised her about, and felt rough, covered with dust.
Looking at her hand that touched her hair, she realized that aside from the ring, the rest of the jewelery was missing. Maybe it had fallen off in the struggle, or the kidnappers removed it. If possible, maybe the ones that had fallen could be a clue for her adoptive elder sister who was probably looking for her.
(But, even so, she might not find me. Somehow... I have to see if I can escape myself or something.)
Her current self wasn't a powerless girl. If she was just shut in here, as a ghost, it would be simple for her to escape. She might not have been able to resist being captured by that ghost that looked just like her younger self for some reason, but fortunately, she was alone now. If she was going to act, then she should do so now.
...Is what she thought, but of course, that was being naive. When she tried turning ghostly and passing through the wall, it was the same as when she had a physical body, and Ran's hand was knocked back by the wall, and she couldn't pass through it. Naturally, the floor and the ceiling were the same. It seems they had an anti-ghost charm that prevent her from passing through things.
"It looks like they already planned to shut a ghost in here..."
She thought about the reason for this, but quickly stopped. As she thought about it, it didn't seem like she would come up with an answer, and it wouldn't necessarily be related to helping her escape. And right now, looking for a way to get out of this room asap takes priority, so there was no time for thinking.
After making sure she couldn't pass through the pipes or duct, Ran turned her attentions towards the door. Of course, she couldn't pass through that, and it was like the door was looking down with a sneer on Ran.
"Either way, it looks like it was pointless from the start."
Since there was no know, she knew that pulling on it was an impossibility, so she tried pushing it with all her strength. And then she tried pushing on it from various angles, but it didn't budge.
"Hah, hah... If Tamaryuu was here, she could break it, but I can't do that... But I have to try."
There was no one else around to hear here, so she was just talking to herself. This time, she put her effort into sliding the door from the side.
She hear a slight "clack" from the outside. If she forced it from the side and slid it, the head door made a grinding sound, and the path towards the outside was opening.
"All right, it opened! Heheh, with this, I can open it with my own... strength......"
In the dim hallway, facing towards the open door, there was a giant rock... or rather, a man wearing fatigues that was blocking Ran's view, and their eyes met.
For a couple of seconds, they stared at each other. Ran silently closed the door, and walked backwards away from the door, and lied down on the bed.
She spit that out, and she grasped the situation, with an expression that she couldn't show her best friends.
"When you tried unlocking it so you could look around, I thought something was happening and it was opening on its own. So you were trying to escape, huh. You look pretty docile, but you've got some guts, little lady."
The door she finally closed was opened, and the fatigue wearing man slowly entered the room. Sensing this, Ran glared at the man.
"Oh, even in this situation, you still have fight in your eyes."
Turning his sights on Ran in order to judge her, Ran felt intimidated, but he didn't know that, so she kept up her strong willed attitude.
"I don't know what your goal is, but you made a mistake in kidnapping me. You will definitely regret it...!"
"Kidnapping makes it sound so bad."
Appearing from the man's shadow was an old man who was thin and frail, like a withered tree. Ran had no way of knowing this, but this old man was the butler that left the party with Ryuuto Carmine.
"If this isn't a kidnapping, then what is it! This guy... He's making an enemy of the Schtlehertz Konzern, so don't think this is over! And..."
Glaring at the man and the butler, Ran stood on top of the bed, and the dress of her skirt puffed out, and turned into the giant pumpkin known as Jack. Forming the pumpkins face from what looked like a hole, it was the part of Ran's body that didn't exist, and they could see a darkness so thick that light couldn't pierce it. Killed on Halloween, and reborn as a vengeful spirit, and influenced by urban legends, she took on a form appropriate for the fun of Halloween, but this was Ran's form when she got serious.
"I was beat at the party, but I am the vengeful spirit of Halloween, Jack-o-Ran-tan! If you think I'll be quietly captured, you're making a huge mistake!"
Ran gave a gallant speech, but unlike Tamaryuu or Shizuki, she wasn't used to fighting, so in her heart, was drowning in fear. Threateningly summoning demon fire from Jack, the man drew his gun and pointed it at Ran, but the butler stopped him.
"I see, so your self-awareness has bloomed? ...No, your memories have degraded? How sad... Though very convenient for us."
The butler's words pierced her, and the demon fire lost its power. "Obtained self awareness" "memories degraded", she didn't know what he was talking about, but somehow she felt that they were words that threatened her existence.
"We didn't kidnap you, we were simply getting you back. It seems like you've completely forgotten, so let me jog your memory. The vengeful spirit Jack-o-Ran-tan certainly is the late Etranger Shutulia, but that is her, not you."
And his next words were hard to understand. Her. You. He's talking like I'm two people, no, just like I'm not me...
"H, her...? That's me, right? The only me is the one here now! Don't say things that I don't understand!"
"Then, how do you explain the you who captured you? Do you actually think that having "memories from when you were alive" is proof? Can you remember them perfectly? Your family and your friends' faces, how they laughed, their voices, what they talked about?"
"T, that's..."
She couldn't answer. Her veiled dim memories of the past, the ghost that looked just like her younger self, the illusion she saw, her selves floating in that room, her other selves than herself, she wanted to deny them, but she couldn't.
That old man isn't telling the truth, I can't listen to him. Inside her head, a warning siren was going off. If she doesn't escape right now, something bad will happen. She has to move. But even though she thought this, she couldn't move a finger. She realized that at some point, Jack had vanished, and she was now collapsed on the bed.
It's not that something was done to her. It's just that there was an unconscious conflict inside of Ran. A conflict between her sense of danger that told her that she couldn't pay any heed to the old man's words... And a faint, but clear, unspoken belief that she had to listen to it.
"Let me make this clear. . , ."
For a moment, all sound disappeared.
The butler's words made Ran's mind go blank. She should have been able to hear it, but her mind couldn't comprehend it. She didn't want to comprehend it.
She didn't know why, but she had a feeling that those words pierced the core of "something" inside of her.
What did he say?
I am Ran Schtlehertz. Elza Schtlehertz's adopted sister, a ghost known by the name of Jack-o-Ran-tan.
I was a normal girl, but now, like the word normal was blown off to somewhere else, I spend my days as a youkai girl.
I'm a ghost now, but I was originally a human.
So, when I was a human, my family...
I remember. I can remember.
I saw a kitten stuck in a tree, and my brother, who was still young, not listening to me telling him to stop, started climbing the tree to rescue the kitten. I went to get my parents.
When I brought my parents back there, my brother was holding the kitten, about to come down from the tree.
But midway down, his foot slipped, and he fell.
He wasn't very high, so he wasn't hurt, but my brother, who landed on his butt, started crying.
Looking at him, my parents weren't angry, but instead desperately tried to comfort him. I was on the side, worried.
When my brother finally stopped crying, the kitten that he saved mewed, like she was thanking him, and licked my brother's hand.
Dad said that she was saying thank you, and Mom, hearing that, laughed.
My brother and I also joined in laughing.
I can remember. It's my memory.
So even though I can remember this so clearly.
Why in my memory, do none of my family have faces?
The words slowly came to mind.
The words which she had refused to understand, the meaning of them, soaked into the emptiness in Ran's mind.
You are not Etranger Shutulia. You, are her fake.
"You were born here. You were born as a direct copy of her, Etranger Shutulia's, memories, and also her grudge. The fruits of our research..."
I don't want to hear.
I shouldn't want to hear it, but I can't speak against those words. I can't plug up my ears.
I'm, not me?
The me who thought it was me was made as a copy, that's me?
Then, I--- The me who is Etranger Shutulia, just what am I?
The me that is here now, the proof that I exist, fell to pieces. The boundary of what I feel is me, was quickly becoming more and more vague, everything was mixing together, spilling onto a white canvas. That was how it felt.
I wanted to scream he's wrong. I wanted to scream that I am Ran, that I was Etranger Shutulia. That I remember this much, the proof that I lived, that I exist. To have all of it denied was very very scary.
But still, inside of Ran, something clicked.
The memory of herself and a different self, fit into place.
"This is cause for celebration. You are "human-made ghost number 1".
And then.
That which was Etranger Shutulia, completely shattered.