Artist's commentary
Akatsuki-class curry
The recipe being used: http://www.mod.go.jp/msdf/formal/family/recipe/archive/080101/
(The JMSDF curry recipe from the link:)
Hibiki Curry (serves 4 people)
Provided by JMSDF Ocean Surveillance Ship Hibiki
Ingredients (4 servings):
Beef: 120g
Demi-glace: 4 tablespoons
Onion: 120g
Gravy: 4 tablespoons
Ginseng: 80g
Garlic: 5g
Potato: 160g
Ginger: 5g
Butter: 10g
Water: 500cc
Curry roux: 100g
Red wine: 50cc
Curry powder: 10g
Black pepper: to taste
1. Cut the beef into large pieces and marinate in the red wine. Cut the vegetables into bit-sized pieces. Finely mince the garlic and ginger.
2. Melt the butter in a heavy pot and add the minced garlic. Sauté until fragrant. Then add the beef and cook until brown. Add the black pepper and onion and stir fry.
3. Sweat the onion until translucent. Add curry powder, ginseng, potatoes and continue to stir fry.
4. Add 500cc of water and bring to boil. Reduce to a simmer and add demi-glace and gravy. Cook until ingredients soften.
5. Turn off heat after ingredients have softened. Add the curry roux a little bit at a time. Stir well to combine. Simmer at low heat.
6. Finely dice canned white peaches and add to taste. (* Use Calpis and canned white peaches to adjust the sweetness of the dish.)
7. If the curry isn't thick enough, add mochi (finely diced) and cook for another 30 to 60 minutes.
Joe-chin's secret technique corner
Secret ingredients:
Tare sauce: 1 tablespoon
Okonomiyaki sauce: 1 tablespoon
Cheese: 20g
Canned white peaches: 1 slice
Calpis: to taste