Moonspeaker said:
Another issue: I just tried adding notes to post #1833470, which is animated. I can't get the "add notes mode" to toggle on, either by clicking the link on the left side or by using the N key. (Or at the very least, if it IS on, my screen doesn't show it, and click-dragging to create a new note does nothing.)
As an experiment, I copied notes over from another post, thinking I'd just delete what I didn't need and edit the rest. Instead, while the Notes History shows the copy was successful, I still can't see the notes on my screen, so I can't edit or delete them.
As a control test, I tried activating the "add notes mode" on a non-animated image, and it worked just fine.
Go into your settings and change "Default image width" to "original". The way you currently have it set displays the webm sample for ugoira instead of the ugoira itself. Notes do not work on webms (whether sample or not), but they do work on the ugoira themselves.