
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Sacriven said:

I'm retrying 3 times just for 1 post. All of them stuck in processing. This won't become duplicates, right?

I don't think so. I'm not exactly sure how concurrent transactions are handled with Danbooru or how it handles race conditions, but I do know that the MD5 sum is checked to prevent exact file duplicates.

Type-kun said:

Huh, are name changes not recorded anymore?

Apollyon said:

That is the case. Not in records or profile pages anymore. I think name changes should at least be visible to Janitors and up, to reduce the possibility of abuse by users changing their names (if it comes up).

Bringing this up again from forum #114112. All name changes should be visible to these users for the purpose of administration.

albert said:

I recently deployed a change that includes the tags in the filename for images. Don't expect this to cause issues but if you find any problems please post about it here.

I think, when saving a picture, it was nice being warned that it already existed because the same filename was found. With this change, it will save a duplicate because the older file no longer has the same name.

The old file names were the image's md5. The new file names are "--character-copyright-drawn-by-artist--", and then the md5. You can get old-style names by deleting the stuff between the double hyphens

fossilnix said:

The old file names were the image's md5. The new file names are "--character-copyright-drawn-by-artist--", and then the md5. You can get old-style names by deleting the stuff between the double hyphens

I know that, but it was simpler to just click save and that's it. It would be desirable to at least have a setting to turn this off.

I'm not sure how this will help in the first place. If the person's saving it, he/she probably knows who's in the image and where that character's from. If not, there's always IQDB.

I also would like to turn off the tags... far prefer just having the md5 hash... and the pure number of images I save a day that adds a LOT of unwanted frustration to have to find where the md5 starts and delete the unwanted parts of the filename.

The purpose was mainly for search engine optimization so images have a better chance of showing up on image searches.

It's certainly easy enough to make this a toggleable option. I'll put that in the pipeline.

albert said:

I recently deployed a change that includes the tags in the filename for images. Don't expect this to cause issues but if you find any problems please post about it here.

Seems handy, as honestly I find sorting images to be a pain, though I am slightly worried about issues with going over Windows path + filename character limit (Especially for things with many tags).

I would appreciate the ability to customize the generated filenames in user settings. As a form which accepts keywords, for example; "%series_name% - %char_name% - (%upload_date%)" (I just used '%KEYWORD%' as example, just do whatever works for you).

albert said:

I recently deployed a change that includes the tags in the filename for images. Don't expect this to cause issues but if you find any problems please post about it here.

Excellent. This not only helps the collector enormously, particularly for future reference, but is obviously respectful to the artist by giving them attribution. I will continue saving under artists names ( which is rendered useless once they leave that folder ) but appreciate what a great step this is.


Windows, as usual, has it's own unique problems, but has now copied Unix-like systems in having a 255 character limit ( except for very old systems, unlikely to be ever used again ) --- apparently one Amiga system allowed up to 32,000 characters, but at that length one might just as well write a book. Really the only non-allowed characters in Linux are / and NUL [ \0 ] --- but safer also to avoid . and ?.

Thank you for this.


To be exact, the Unix/Linux ( and perhaps Apple since that too is of Unix ) 255 limit applies to the filename, but the entire path can be 4096 to unlimited depending on the Distro.

For most Windows the 255 limitation includes the path ( although this can be fixed by using shorter paths ), but some variants of Windows do allow saving of long filenames, but make ignorable noises when one wants to move them etc.; and some exceed the 255 limit.


Still, it's fairly academic to worry: the regular set of generated characters we are used to look to be about 30: adding +30 for the copyright, +50 for the people. and +30 for the artist would be rarely achieved but still meet only half the limit.

This improvement will mean never worrying about duplicating the generated number sets.


Some links:

Is there a list where all users who are currently online listed?
Because there is no alarm button,and it's a bit cumbersome to find an moderator who could quickly resolve an issue because they're online.

albert said:

I recently deployed a change that includes the tags in the filename for images. Don't expect this to cause issues but if you find any problems please post about it here.

I don't mind the idea for this change, but using "--" as your delimiter is making reworking all my nice shell scripts to process and file images I download incredibly difficult. Various tools are treating these file names as command line options, and no amount of quoting will get around that, because "--" is universally the prefix for extended, descriptive flags on Linux/UNIX systems, including the Mac OS X command line.

Would you please consider an option to disable this and/or use a different set of delimiters? Personally, I'd prefer the latter, because I find this new feature useful. Maybe "==" or "__" or something neutral like that?