
Deletion request thread

Posted under General

Type-kun said:

I don't think anyone can see contents of pixiv chat except participants.

Oh, really? Sorry about that. Anyways, is there something I can do to validate that the author asked me to remove the image, or would it just be better to wait for the moderation queue?

newguy3 said:

post #2119324 Is really grotesque. And have heard that the artist did not give permission to post on other sites.

You already flagged the post for deletion not too long ago, so I'm not quite sure why you felt it necessary to request on here that it get deleted as well (and go through the bother of the sockpuppet account). If the image wasn't deleted after its time through the mod queue again, you could have requested again on here for the deletion, but essentially flagging it twice in such a short time span seems kind of a waste.

I'm not particularly interested in approving it, but the image also hardly seems to fall under the category of "grotesque" so that argument from my perspective is invalid. The issue on the artist not giving permission, the artists themselves would need to make the take down request, in which case the image or images would be banned instead.

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