
Deletion request thread

Posted under General

I just got the following message from gonzaburou:

gonzaburou said:

Because English is not possible, I use the machine translation.

My name is gonzaburou.(
It is the name called the piiman now.(

I seemed to reprint the picture which I drew without permission, but would delete it?
I don't want to present that to the public.
As for what is reprinted in other places without permission, a feeling is lowest.

Please delete all my pictures which you uploaded.

While I don't know if it really is said artist there's the statement "Deletion request to danbooru." at the pixiv profile, so it seems legit.

I told gonzaburou that I forward his message. Can one of our members more fluent with moonrunes contact that artist to make sure?

richie said:

May I ask why after SO MANY YEARS there is still no exposed link 日本のイラスト作者のみなさまへ at the main screen of danbooru which would easily lead to the disclaimer:japanese? At the one of the top bars, for example?

topic #7575/p4:

albert said:

I can certainly add this to the site, but I'm reluctant to take up more vertical screen real estate for this message, even if it can be closed. I think a better solution would be for me to link it whenever an artist emails me.

I am, however, skeptical this will change much. When an artist wants something removed from Danbooru, it's most often because they want to remove all traces of their identity from the internet. They'll often delete their Pixiv accounts as well.

Except, if I'm seeing correctly, this time the case wasn't handled by albert.
So I'm wondering how this procedure works in practice now. Specifically - if the disclaimer was linked to artist by any manner before ban.

Not to mention that I still think that it would be probably too late anyway. Mailing japanese artist with this disclaimer who's already angry because of "stealing his work" makes me think of attempt to calm bull in full charge already. Delivered only then (and not earlier) might be received as insincerely apologetic and thus disrespectful.

post #1992715

pretty much an exact trace/line copy of the original, post #1596262.

Line quality is poor, and the coloring/shading is obviously trying to copy the original with comparably poor results.

Basically flagging this as there is already an original and this copied version does not contribute much to the already existing work (style, technique, etc...).

Hoobajoob said:

post #1909670

Extremely low quality. In fact, this entire pool #6800 is of very low quality and is in need of a mod's scrutiny.

You can't just request that one image that is part of a series and is interconnected with all the other posts in the series by story be deleted. This isn't like a standalone comic or independent image where you can take out one and it doesn't impact the rest.

NWF_Renim said:

You can't just request that one image that is part of a series and is interconnected with all the other posts in the series by story be deleted. This isn't like a standalone comic or independent image where you can take out one and it doesn't impact the rest.

That's my point, it's not just that one page. The entire pool is extremely low quality. Bad hands, bad feet and awful linework on every single page. That page was being used as an example.

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