post #9000000 GET!

Deletion request thread

Posted under General

Log said:

Don't flag something and then copy-paste that flag reason into this thread.

It was the other way around.

Sorry, I thought my flag for the day was used up at first, but it wasn't. I probably should have let this thread handle it instead of flagging slightly later, shouldn't I?

post #1432032

Extremely low quality.

I hate to raise a stink about the same guy's stuff twice, but there's no way this is the "high quality" that danbooru is looking for. Unlike the other pool this one isn't a continuous story that needs every post. This isn't an artstyle either, compared to his better stuff it's looks like a low effort doodle.

Quakeulf said:

Why was this deleted?

Meanwhile stuff like this is approved:

It's not even well drawn. Just a crude and sloppy rendition that doesn't even have an interesting concept.

First of all, use "post #*****" when linking to an image. For example: post #2190147

Second, even if post #2041266 is a sketch, it still looks like an actual drawing, while post #2190147 looks like a really crappy trace and/or photoshop of a random screenshot from the anime.

If you ask me, post #2190147 is the more crude, sloppy and uninteresting one.

Also, you need to post things like this in topic #7934

Edit: And I just noticed after posting that post #2190147 is your own work. Uploading your own work here is generally frowned upon here.

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