Low quality, very sketchy poor quality linework.
Posted under General
Low quality, very sketchy poor quality linework.
Pretty sure this is a nude filter.
Banned artist.
post #1808366
post #1808367
post #1808368
Pixiv manga sample thanks to the new URL formats.
GiveUpTheGhost said:
500h version of tumblr_naypopLln51tkufhoo2_1280.png
Cannot upload latter; redirects to former.
I removed 1280w -> 500h source rewriting for the next version since it seems the 500h version can be smaller than 1280w.
Unfortunately this does mean the site won't rewrite 1280w -> 500h even when the 500h version actually is larger.
Banned artist.
Rastamepas said:
Banned artist.
Banned artist posts are automatically hidden and don't need to be flagged tagged.
All posts in pool #4055. Low quality. Well below the standards of quality for danbooru.
Most of it's posts have already been flagged and deleted years ago.
Log said:
I fail to see how your reasoning is different from "x was approved so why not y" which we do not accept as an argument. Substituting approved for deleted doesn't make it valid.
Hoobajoob said:
All posts in pool #4055. Low quality. Well below the standards of quality for danbooru.
Most of it's posts have already been flagged and deleted years ago.
I know the site has a massive bias for Touhou stuff, but there's no way this makes the cut.
post #1830772 needs a double deletion
Wypatroszony said:
post #1830772 needs a double deletion
Dmail Albert or jxh, they don't seem to read this thread.
Accidentally pasted the wrong picture's URL.
My OC I don't even want to see them on here, the other two are 'deleted' yet I can still see them if I have the link to them, is there any way to hard delete them. Surely it can't be that difficult. You will find that the source images have also been deleted.
Your compliance would be most appreciated
Please and thank you