
Danbooru 2 upgrade on Feb 16, 2013

Posted under General

cleartailcat said:

I haven't been having problems with the mod queue myself so far.

And I'm with you on preferring all the posts on one page.

Yeah, I tried the Mod Queue again a couple of seconds ago. Not even one Failbooru. It's stable now.

Toks said:

I just added it to the pool without trouble or delay. What method were you using to add it? The way I did it was to type pool:903 in the post's tags.

Sorry for the late reply. I tried to add it using the "add to pool" function, rather than adding it directly through tagging.

Nothing happened after I attempted to add it, but since I thought I'd done something incorrectly I attempted to add it again, but noticed that the dialogue box that spawned said the image had been recently added to the pool.

It wasn't until I checked again after waking up that I realized it hadn't taken at all.

pool #3023 seems to be a bit busted. If you go to the pool's page (by clicking that link for example), it shows post #1357264 as the last image in the pool. That image also has a non-linked "next>>" button as if it were the last image. However, the newer strips by the artist all say they're in the pool, but have broken "<<prev next>>" links.

Steak said:

Translation bubbles are still not working.

Blacklisting is still not working.

The layout is still screwed up. I use Internet Explorer.

Please tell me you're using a recent version of IE and not a seven-year-old one. If it's the latter, don't expect a fix anytime soon.
If it's the former, can you be more specific about the problems?

OOZ662 said:

pool #3023 seems to be a bit busted. If you go to the pool's page (by clicking that link for example), it shows post #1357264 as the last image in the pool. That image also has a non-linked "next>>" button as if it were the last image. However, the newer strips by the artist all say they're in the pool, but have broken "<<prev next>>" links.

When a post gets added to a pool, its ID will sometimes not show up in the pool's list for some reason. Fixed manually.

I'm using Explorer 8. It is up-to-date.

You know how translation bubbles are made placed over text? I can't see them.

You know blacklisting where if there's a certain tag you do not like, the thumbnail does not appear in a pool, and is completely grayed out in the comment section? It's not working. All my blacklists are intact, but they don't work.

Pictures and galleries are all scruntched together at the bottom of the page. I have to scroll down to see them, where before I'd conduct a search and have the results right in front of me.

I don't know very much about this but why the limit of each page is decrease to 200. I try to set it higher but it only displays 200.
In the previous version, I could know how many page of the tag I searched but now, it is unknowable.

Well, there were something when I searched for an artist in 19 or 20 feb 2013
all image of that artist is display and I thought it is useful but when it is fixed to limit the displayed image, it is not convinient because when I search for an artist, I would like to know how many his works are and I can see all his works easyly. Limiting artist work in artist page is not good. Suppose when I found and artist, I only know his last work by his artis page. To see all, I must use his name like a tag to search again


Instead of being able to search for up to 6 tags, I'm only able to search for up to 5 tags, and I get the standard error message "Error: You cannot search for more than 6 tags at a time".

I'm pretty sure it's something like:

if (numtags<6)
perform query
display error message

where the < needs to be changed to <=, or something like that.

Derailing from mechanical workings, I'd like to voice (in part, again) a desire for not only a posts-less frontpage, but posts-less sign-in/sign-out confirmation screens. Seemed cleaner that way, but mostly this is a personal wish. </tl;dr>

EDIT: At the risk of being redundant (haven't gone back through the thread yet), is there any interest in bringing back "Post without bumping" for image post comments?

T5J8F8 said:
At the risk of being redundant (haven't gone back through the thread yet), is there any interest in bringing back "Post without bumping" for image post comments?

I have interest. Sometimes I want to add commentary or information to an image post, but don't necessarily want to bump that image to the top of the comments section.

T5J8F8 said:
At the risk of being redundant (haven't gone back through the thread yet), is there any interest in bringing back "Post without bumping" for image post comments?

Didn't even notice it was gone (but then, I hardly ever comment). I actually want that option back, for the same reasons that BrokenEagle98 mentioned.

Pictures and galleries are all scruntched together at the bottom of the page. I have to scroll down to see them, where before I'd conduct a search and have the results right in front of me.

I wonder if this is related to resolution, I get this when browsing danbooru on my Android, or if I shrink my desktop browser window to around 900 pixels wide or less.

Between that and about 1150 pixels wide the vertical j-list banner starts to overlap content. The down to 900 or so the content just gets pushed below everything.

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