
Danbooru 2 upgrade on Feb 16, 2013

Posted under General

There is also an issue with applying tag script mode. When I go to another tab in browser and then return it resets back to view posts mode.
It also resets when I open an image in a new tab and then go to the next page.


Wypatroszony said:

Is the mod queue giving out frequent (not constant) failboorus to someone else than me or is it a result of my infuriating procrastination? (~300 posts to check yet)

After trying to enter the Mod Queue myself, there were 2 Failbooru messages in a row, then it worked a 3rd time. It does load at times, but it's sporadic.

Up until then, I was approving posts outside of the Mod Queue page without knowing of the changes to it. Now that I have seen it, I have to agree with the others that dislike the new paginator change. I'm probably alone on this, but I actually didn't mind having all of the pending posts on one page before.

I havent seen anyone talking about this yet, so maybe I'm one of few. I can't seem to favorite... anything anymore, and my favorites screen in big letters says "Blacklisted" above the word favorites and then the list.
I doubt they have anything to do with eachother, since I don't think I've done anything to get blacklisted.

My tag subscriptions haven't updated since the upgrade (except, perhaps, one of them). Has something about them changed, or are they just stuck again?

Also, unapproved (and thus deleted) posts are showing up in said subscription lists with a red border as if flagged. Seems like odd behavior.

Moonspeaker said:

However, some images, such as post #1338798, still have trouble displaying properly at sample-image size. When I look at these posts (Firefox 16.0.2 on a Mac; haven't viewed them on PC yet), the sample image is broken, and all the translation notes are tiny and bunched together in the upper left.
Edit: And I just discovered another example of the other facet of the problem; post #1032916 is among those that doesn't display properly in either mode. Sample size has a broken image with translation notes displayed normally (or perhaps a bit reduced). Full size shows the image, but the translation note boxes are enormous and offset very far down and right off screen.

I believe both of these are the same problem. Using Firefox 18.0.2 on Windows 7, I see both problem behaviours you mention, but at random; reloading the same post may change from one to the other.

I believe the root cause of the "notes end up way off-screen when you load the full-size image" problem is the broken sample image; when you load the full-size version, they're being repositioned based on the size ratio between the full image and the sample, but the broken image means it's basically dividing by zero. Supporting this, if I change the "default image size" user setting from "large" to "original" (so the broken-sample issue is skipped), both posts load correctly every time. (The "always resize images" setting doesn't seem to affect things one way or another, which I'd expect, since that's still loading the full image.)

I should probably file this on Github, but I can't be bothered making an account.

Nice, the site keeps improving! Very good, most of the stuff that annoyed me since the upgrade is gone or at least in an acceptable form now. I hope danbooru still keeps improving for some more time until all the bugs and issues are gone.

Toks said:

I think someone wrote a User Style that fixes that. Let me see if I can find it...

I believe that's the one. Credits to flynch.

That's another issue I had with the new danbooru gone!

Also... I'm sorry if this has been answered by now, but I just sent albert an email regarding upgrading from Gold to Platinum. He said you only have to pay $20 again and not the whole $40. So this is confirmed.

By the way, it took me a while to notice, but tag count now updates in real time. Also, 'tags' section when searching for tags, including 'user:...' remains consistent across pages and (seemingly) relevant. If I'm not mistaken, it's a big improvement over v1.

Do pools now have potential entries moderated? I tried to add post #1360795 to the disgustingly adorable pool, but it didn't work.

Now, putting aside for now whether it belongs there (I obviously feel it does, but if the people responsible for maintaining the pool think otherwise then that's their prerogative) looking at the history seems to indicate that it never made it into the pool at all.

I can understand if some pools such as disgustingly adorable now have to have every post moderated before it gets accepted. If that's not the case however then the system failed to add a post to the pool.

Grahf said:
Do pools now have potential entries moderated? I tried to add post #1360795 to the disgustingly adorable pool, but it didn't work.

I just added it to the pool without trouble or delay. What method were you using to add it? The way I did it was to type pool:903 in the post's tags.

Apollyon said:

After trying to enter the Mod Queue myself, there were 2 Failbooru messages in a row, then it worked a 3rd time. It does load at times, but it's sporadic.

I haven't been having problems with the mod queue myself so far.

And I'm with you on preferring all the posts on one page.

Toks said:

What screen size are you using? Can you provide a screenshot?

Yes, I can provide a screenshot right here.
And as you can see the ad's on the right side of the page are overlapping with the images that are posted. So I can't see the whole image like I was able to before.
And I did what you said to do in the "settings"
And my screen size is "125 zoom on my browser" My Computer size is 17'3 inches.
I can't see anything smaller than 125 zoom so that's why my browser stays on that setting. I had that same zoom size before the site got updated and it worked perfectly before.

DschingisKhan said:

Here's an interesting change I just noticed: "Parent can not have a parent". I think there are a fair number of extant posts that have both a parent and child, and I'm wondering if this necessarily a good idea.

I was able to make a parent post also a child just fine just now...

DschingisKhan said:

Can you do me a favour and try editing post #221801, then? Because it's been bugging me for a couple days. First it was returning "something broke", and now its giving me the parent problem.

Ah, I didn't try editing the grandchild post after creating the middle link. I do get the same problem you do.


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